MovieChat Forums > Dirty Grandpa (2016) Discussion > Wow, De Niro got lean, did he really do ...

Wow, De Niro got lean, did he really do all the physical stunts himself?

Especially the one arm pushup (not an easy feat for anyone, least alone someone in his 70's) and holding up Efron with one arm in the air?

I've seen young fit guys rip their pecs or hurt their shoulders when doing them incorrectly, and I am most careful when doing them myself (gotta know just how to position yourself to spread the stress evenly).

It totally looked like him, and unless there were hidden wires at least the one arm pushup looked totally real.

He sure looked way better here than in the Grudge Match movie where he clearly didn't bother to get in shape for.

Maybe he's going back to method acting like in his glory days?


I doubt he did the Zax Efron lift by himself, that looked like a stuntman but I've seen another movie with De Niro: Killing Season. And in that he also does chins, which he does in this one as well. So I believe that was him at least. Not sure about the one armed push-up though.


> Especially the one arm pushup (not an easy feat for anyone, least alone someone in his 70's) and holding up Efron with one arm in the air?

C'mon. Obviously not. Every time a stunt was called for, you could see that they were using body doubles, camera tricks, and CGI. The movie reminded me of a cheesy 80s movie where all of the special effects were badly done and the producers didn't care if you could see the wires or the stunt double.

But, to me, that made the movie a pleasant throwback when the writers just made silly and stupid situations for the characters and didn't really worry about the special effects. The budget didn't have enough in it to do the effects right.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


He obviously didn't do the lift but DeNiro's always been able to get in crazy shape, just look at Cape Fear when he was in his 60s, I could believe he was doing one arm pushups, Jack Palance was doing them in his 80s.

In fact here's a set photo, looks real to me.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/ffn-image-51726148-ffn-set-60092528.jpg

Also when DeNiro got shredded to play Max Cady when he was around 50.


Senior was 49 in cape fear. Awesome shape tho.
