The Jack - Sally relationship is left open ended, but one feels he saw the error of his ways and therefore didn't dump Sally.
I didn't particularly find the Jack - Monica scenes all that humorous, because it just seemed unrealistic the extent to which Sally appeared to actually push Jack together with a girl of Monica's reputation, notwithstanding they were supposed to be best friends. I didn't think the Play It Again Sam reprise with John worked either. Two's company, three's a crowd! It was nice to see Alec Baldwin up for the Bogart mentoring role, but I felt he was wasted because, unlike in the original PIAS, here the Jack character didn't really require him. He becomes a needless intrusion into the scenes.
Leopoldo finally gets relief from his extended 15 minutes of fame, goes back to his quiet, domestic existence and then suffers withdrawal symptoms from no longer being the celebrity he was.
Hope the above helps.