To Woody

If you had cast yourself in the role as the man in the shower singing, it would have have reminded me of your older and best films. You could have gone to Rome and discovered that you could sing great in the shower. The visuals of you singing opera in the shower scenes, would have put this way up the list of your many old great films for me. However...I liked it anyway.


If you had cast yourself in the role as the man in the shower singing, it would have have reminded me of your older and best films. You could have gone to Rome and discovered that you could sing great in the shower. The visuals of you singing opera in the shower scenes, would have put this way up the list of your many old great films for me. However...I liked it anyway.

Interesting idea and one that would have worked, like you said, in one of his earlier films. However, I personally prefer when Woody is reacting to people and events around him, which he did to perfection in Manhattan Murder Mystery.

I re-watched To Rome with Love recently and liked it far more than when I saw it at the cinema--even the Benigni segments, which I didn't like much at all at the time.


Lucky for Woody he has fans like you. Personally, the movie in question, is the first one I've liked of his since the 70s, and it could have been even better with him in the shower lip sinking opera.

The first 30 minutes of "Sleeper", may be the funniest half hour in cinema history.

For some strange reason, I enjoy watching "Scoop" when it's on Satellite, but not for any scenes Woody is in. In fact, he's quite terrible in that movie.
