The movie didn't fail...

The audience failed.


Since you were part of it, I am sorry you failed.


I know you THINK that's a good comeback, but it's not. By attacking the messenger and avoiding the criticism the messenger has delivered, you've failed to provide a logical response.


I am not sure there are actually enough people in the ages of 20-50 that go to the movies that have interest in a film like this. Not enough to make a big budget film like this profitable at least.

So I don’t think the audience failed, the audience just isn’t there, for now at least. Perhaps when it’s released on different formats it will reach the people that rather watch a film at home.


Can’t believe it grossed as much as it did considering gut-punching, cerebral Sci-Fi isn’t really a crowd pleaser. Best film of 2017 hands down.


yeah... .no. I've seen every science fiction that was even HALF decent, and also tons that weren't, and THIS just didn't have "IT".


Just downloaded it & am rewatching it for the first time

It's sloooow as heck, and I probably won't watch it repeatedly like I do with MCU movies, but dayum it's a work of art

In a way, it's good that it wasn't a hit - like its predecessor, it's a lot about mood and setting

The only complaint I still have is the "lack of Gaff" in Olmos - he was too much like Adama. Even in his old age, Gaff should've been a little slick or wormy, to be recognizable. It's true that Deckard is way different too, but I guess I accept it since we've seen Harrison Ford age through all his other roles. Olmos never played another Gaff-like character again (and still hasn't).

But otherwise, an amazing and heart-rending flick. Even more amazing that the producers OK'ed it. They must've figured it'd b a guaranteed hit given the original's cult-status. They never guessed Denis would make ANOTHER bound-for-cult-status sequel


"and I probably won't watch it repeatedly like I do with MCU movies"

That is where I stopped reading.


It's left out but its not new. It kind of catered to you


I really liked BR: 2049. I was completely involved in the film when I saw it at the theatre, just the setting and the atmosphere alone won me over and I though the story was competent and actually worth telling not just capitalise on the first films nostalgia. Sure it was long but I went into it knowing that and it didn't even bother me.


Fool proof logic on display here.


More like Hampton Fancher, Harrison Ford, Denis Villeneuve and anyone who rated this more than a 6 failed.
