Falling far short of expectations...
Clocking about 30 when predictions had it closer to 50...
shareClocking about 30 when predictions had it closer to 50...
shareI'll guess word of mouth will bring it down too. Huge fan of BR here, but this didn't thrill me. Been very careful to NOT influence friends... I've told them it is hit and miss. But, because I'm not going CRAZY over it, they'll figure out it is not all that.
shareGood to know! Early buzz was real,positive so I was expecting it to preform well...glad BR wasn't a fav of mine...I've had enough disappointment in sequels.
shareYup. BR is a great SciFi movie with great acting around great philosophical premise. This? I'd be amazed if people remember having seen it in 10 years.
shareVery sad that it will likely be deemed a failure. Deserved better.
shareCurrent IMDB ratings put this film at 8.7. By next year, it'll be at 8.3, which is the same rating as it's predecessor, and that'll make it a bonafide hit, regardless of what the naysayers have to say.
It happened again. First this year it was GITS. Now BR.
The sequel is an extremely hollow copy of the original and will not stand the test of time.
Some scenes of course are good but they will not save the whole production.
It has nothing to offer but nostalgia.
8.8 (now 8.6) screams of some serious denial.
The book is deeper still so some who haven't read it they should. It's illuminating. My favorite sci-fi book.
I've read it more than once. It is very different from the films, much more philosophical, religious, with very dark humor, brilliant situations and dialogues.
I read the book, after watching the 1982 film, looking for some "illumination", and boy was I disappointed! I found it dry and dull. The problem with Sci-Fi, based on technology, is it'll ultimately become outdated and irrelevant, and that's why films are there to take the original idea to the next level, which what Scott and Villeneuve have done.
Amazon is releasing a series called Electric Dreams, which as you know is a short title of the book Bladerunner is based on. I guarantee you, if it's based on the book, it'll bomb, big time!
Fair enough. Imo you found it dry and dull because your mind is conditioned to accept what's on the surface of the story, the picture, negating what's underneath, dwelling in the unconscious.
DADoES has everything I ever wanted in a scifi novel, and... everything I didn't wanted.
I enjoyed Blade Runner for its visuals, atmosphere and the characters.
The book imo wasn't based on technology but the tech was based on the philosophy behind the story, for example an empathy box is an obscure object, all we know what it does but how it works is of no importance, in fact no one really knows, and even till the end "the great reveal" doesn't really reveal much as the finale is ambiguous and spreads the ambiguity to the finale of the ecranisation.
The whole of the book is set in only one day, only a moment in time... Characters try to hold on to objects and beliefs but the objects pile up and then break apart under its weight, the beliefs caught in the grind between illusory and the real. It is our future, the legacy of our minds and it is dark, damp and violent.