
I'm hoping against hope that they have a young Rutger Hauer appear in this movie somewhere. With how they made Peter Cushing look in 'Rogue One', it'd be fairly easy to recreate Roy's look on a younger actor, or even just smother Hauer with makeup.
My reasoning being that Roy was a replicant, it's perfectly sane to assume there's plenty of others that look like him, or Pris, or any of the others that we saw in the first movie. It'd be a nice little nod to the original, maybe Deckard is visiting a friend in this version, his friend orders his replicant butler to bring them drinks, and then Deckard sees Roy Batty holding a tray, offering him a scotch.
As I said, it'd just be a nice little moment to hark back to the original, plus it does make sense that we'd see some familiar faces on the various replicants.
