MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Discussion > Visuals don't feel like Blade Runner

Visuals don't feel like Blade Runner

The visuals make it look and feel like Macbeth.....

Also no rain?? And no smoke/city smog???!!

Seriously??! Doesn't feel and look like Blade Runner at all :(


Well, I really liked the look of Macbeth so that's okay with me, but to address your larger point: you're right that it doesn't look exactly like the original in the ways you've described but how much should it look like that film? If it looked almost exactly the same wouldn't many be complaining about that, about a lack of imagination or creativity? It seems to me like this film is in and always was in a really rough spot where it was decidedly never going to please all the fans. But, given that it's set 30 years after the original, it also seems to me that it should evidence some obvious differences and that's a very good thing. After all, we've had literally decades of people making Blade Runner knock offs, simply emulating the groundbreaking style; this film needs to develop upon that and the teaser suggests that it will.


That's one scene in a 1 minute teaser, the last scene definitely looked and felt like blade runner. And the scene with gosling entering the large house also had a good vibe.I'm even more anxious about seeing this now.


The 1980s' don't look anything like today


obviously the film will end up having that Blade Runner neon city look when he's doing detective work, its just the trailer was only really in that desert location

although even if it didn't, time has passed. I would be shocked if it didn't have a similar aesthetic to the original though, arguably the visuals are the strongest thing about BLade Runner

she fell through a hole, and was never seen again
