MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Discussion > Once again, gotta bring in young charact...

Once again, gotta bring in young characters for today's dumb generation

Gotta bring new young faces into the movie. Couldn't just be an older Deckard as the main character.


Younger Ford was dull as shït in the movie.


Yes, i'm afraid that you do. Younger audiences who didn't grow up watching Blade Runner as us oldies did wont relate to grandpa Harrison this time. Deckard was always a rather dull character even in the original film. This time around they do need a younger star to draw in the younger audience, its a simple as that.


How about drawing any audience. And watch Hisling in The Nice Guys where he finally shines.


Assuming 1990 represents your birthday then you'd only be 26... you're hardly old..
Im 27, and as much as i love the original. It would probably kill the film if Ford was the main star... He's so past his acting prime that to me it's tiring in a sense just to watch him force himself to act now.. Bringing basically the same character to every role for the last 20 years now , the gruff wooden old guy..
And i personally never thought he was a great actor even tho he's in some of my most beloved films.. Just got some really great roles early on and good direction, but besides those great roles (blade runner, indie, SW's, a couple other dramas/thrillers i can't remember) its been allot of mediocre or bad acting in-between, and that was when he was young.
Past a certain point he stopped trying to act and just started playing Harrison ford with a different character name each time and a couple mannerisms. And for that, im hoping he has as little screen time in this new film as possible.. Unless he really tries his fkin best for this one... But he didn't with 2 out of 3 of his legacy rebooted projects, star wars and the abominable new indy with shia labouf. The chances would be low.. So i do hope for the sake of the film, he's not used anymore than a side character at the start of the film.
I hope this new Blade runner doesn't even feel like a sequel but just another story set in the same universe.

Perception Is Reality


What are you TALKING about? Harrison Ford is like 70 years old! This film takes place 30 years after the first film. Do you think in that time period a cop wouldn't have retired and have his position filled by a younger man? This is a silly statement. Life moves forward. Without some young blood it would be stale. And R. Gosling is the ideal choice to inherit Deckard's job; he plays the dark, brooding silent role very effectively. Being a "Blade Runner" fanatic since the 80's, I can say that I'm very pleased with the casting choice here..

Fabio Testi is GOD


It doesn't say he retired, it says that he has been missing for 30 years. I think it also depends on which camp your in, the Deckard replicant theory or the Deckard human theory.


hate to break it to you boss, but Harrison Ford has been garbage for the last decade.

Forcing him into Indiana Jones again was awful, and somewhat ehhh in the newest Star Wars.

him even being a bit part in this feels forced, as Deckard's story didn't really leave a massive part to be resumed 30 years later. maybe like a direct sequel in the 1980s, but old Harrison Ford? if he's a replicant he shouldn't age normally, and if he's not then that sort of dumbs down the original a tiny bit IMO

Harrison phones it in like crazy these days. Gosling is an extremely talented actor. not to say whether that means this will be good or bad, but if anything the critique I have with the new trailer is seeing old Harrison Ford pop up sounding exactly like he did in the new Star Wars movie. blah.

she fell through a hole, and was never seen again


Well *beep* do you really think Harrison Ford was going to go leaping across gaps between buildings like he did in the original? He's a great actor but he's an old man, he can only do so much.
Hell I don't even want a 'Blade Runner' sequel but I'm curious to see where it goes, and sadly that's going to NEED younger actors. Ford was already in his 40s when the first movie was made, by the 90s he was in his 50s. By then it was too late for him to be the young spry actor he used to be.
The only way they could do a 'Blade Runner' sequel with Ford as the action hero again would be to do it immediately after the original had come out, and it didn't do well at the time. It wasn't until the 90s that the movie began to get any real popularity with people.
So in short: shut the hell up, this is how it has to be if the film is to exist at all. I don't want it to exist, but it does, and this is how it's got to be.


Unless he was now chief of the Blade Runner unit, there isn't much a 70 year old Deckard could do.
