He could have been made secretly and without the 4-year lifespan installed; and programmed to only exhibit human strength and to have no knowledge of being a replicant.
Rachel didn't know she was a replicant either. And He had a dream about a unicorn and then found a unicorn origami at his door at the end of the movie; presumably made by Gaff, maybe to imply that his memories are implanted.
Excuse me, how old are you?
You are missing the point?
Who do you think came up with the idea that Dekard could be a replicant?
It was not Fencher, it was not in the book by the writer PDK either, so that leaves only R.Scott. It was him to who inserted the Unicorn revere in the movie, he even talked about in a documentary, it was him who came up with the idea of Gaff leaving the unicorn origami at the Deckard's door. Those ideas were implanted in the movie for dumb asses like you to wonder for 30 years to ponder on if "Deckard could have been made secretly and without the 4-year lifespan"....lol
Blade Runner was never meant to have a sequel but since Hollywood is now tapped into the sequel market after return of Star Wars, so they went after that too and concocted this socalled sequel to turn into another franchise, which is really a shame.
Grow UP