MovieChat Forums > House of Cards (2013) Discussion > Conway... Looks 25 years old... No chari...

Conway... Looks 25 years old... No charisma... HORRIBLE casting..

Terrible casting...
looks WAY too young for a presidential candidate.
Has ZERO charisma.


I agree. Smug and obnoxious.


Which is too bad because Joel Kinneman is pretty rad in a lot of other things. They cast him poorly, and the character was written very, VERY poorly.


I agree - way too young looking to be a realistic candidate. It bothers me enough to be distracted while watching his scenes. And he's not a good public speaker thus far. Presidential candidates have to be the very best of the best public speakers.


You should watch some Republican debates...


You have no idea what you're talking about. George W Bush Jr and the current leading GOP candidate Donald Trump. Neither can put 5 words together on their own without looking like an idiot. One of them can't even formulate a sentence without insulting someone.


yeah it's pretty distracting. I liked him in Robocop but he's just not believable for a presidential candidate. he looks like secret service agent standing next to kevin spacey :/


This is what caught me. I was telling my friend something similar. He doesn't seem the least bit comfortable with monologues, which makes him being a political candidate at his age in such high profile venues laughable. They are saying his character is 39 years old. I mean Kinnaman could easily pass for early late 20's-early 30's.


I think he represent that at first a charming, dreamy figure; i think youre right, it lacks a certain moral centre that such a role deserves (like FU or not his protrary of cynism and ruthlessness comes across as value driven, and could rivals the hope based moral centrw shown by West wing's Martain Sheen); for Conway, and underneath as you look closer beneath his charming vaneers, are the the less refined, less substantance, once you look deeper the shallowness shows. Where as Underwoods are value driven, 'Conways are more surface politics driven, hence easier to disregard. The wife's intellectual incompatiblity will only show more.


Just a bad actor tbh. The age itself is not a problem. My issue is the way he delivers his lines and how his facial expressions are "all over the place" when he speaks or tries to relate to any other actor in the scene. I also think the actor had some butox or some extensive plastic makeup for this, and it went south.

Agree 100% - HORRIBLE casting.


Well, he doesn't even look or pass as the Governor of New York to begin with.


So true. And the Underwoods don't look like the Obamas. In fact, they all were miscast. What is happening?


Have you seen him in the Killing? He's a GREAT actor, and I think he does a great job here. A surface charming candidate who is shallow and narcissistic underneath and really does not care about any of the issues.


He is indeed good in the Killing but nonetheless bad in HoC, as for me.

He is not believable in his portrayal of a charismatic politician/public speaker. The lines don't flow from him but seem forced.

It is not because he's a bad actor but rather because he was miscast. His natural area of expertise is exactly what he plays in the Killing, a street-smart-urban-loving-hip-hop-listening detective who understands the hood and its youth because he grew up in one-kinda guy. Not an educated fancy well-spoken manipulator!

A great role is always a mix of casting and actual acting skills, but no actor can play any role and even the best actor in the wrong movie can deliver a horrendous performance.

Great actors aren't only great actors, but are also great at picking the right roles. Put di Caprio, Hanks, Hardy, Day-Lewis or Washington in the wrong shoes and there's nothing even they could do about it.

My point being, Kinnaman is not a bad actor, just miscast in my opinion.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


Actually he did a great job, was convincing, has charisma. A fine anti-Frank and it worked very well.

His wife, Hannah, is also fantastic.


THIS. It's a delicate thing, finding reasons to give people to dislike a guy more than they already disliked FRANK. But they pulled it off.


Frankly, I agree with you. I'm not sure what everyone else is talking about here? I think the choice of casting and how the characters were to be portrayed was well decided. I've never seen the Killing so I of course come into this with no biased or opinion of this actor. But I think it was well done.

One more episode to watch when I get out of work today.


I love Joel Kinnaman. He was great in The Killing. But I agree he seems out of place here. And playing a lousy republican? Even worse.


Was coming here to post basically the same thing.

The whole storyline this season is off.

Clearly they cast Joel on purpose since they were looking for the opposite of Frank. They wanted a younger, taller, tech savvy person with kids but something didn't work with the whole Conway story for me.
