Predictions and wish list of what you want to see happen in season 5?
I hope Remy and Jackie will be returning prominently and that Doug is haunted by his past nastiness.
shareI hope Remy and Jackie will be returning prominently and that Doug is haunted by his past nastiness.
share- Frank and Claire winning the popular vote but Conway wins the electoral college, Underwoods and co. manuevering the committee and reclaims the white house.
- More world leaders introduced considering the ICO (ISIS) will likely play a part.
- Continuation of Hammerschmidt's investigation. Season 5 will end with a cliffhanger scene where newspapers at the Herald printed and the headline entitled "House of Cards".
I hate them both, so I really would like to see them embarrassed and insulted, tortured and left in prison, for life. Deeply hate them and Doug.
Yet, to see a dithering idiot like Conway be president...that is a hard pill to swallow.
What I would like the most is for Claire Underwood to die in a plane wreck. Hate that bitch. Never Frank. I love the guy. He is so evil - you just have to love the way he gets in into trouble and how he squirms his way out. Mr. Slick. The perfect villain. Doug - Have no desire to see him go. Every Dr. Evil needs a henchman. Goldfinger had Oddjob. Scaramanga had Nick Nack. Kamal Khan had General Orlov. The list goes on..............
shareThis was really clever, especially the "House of Cards" headline lol.
I cannot stand the Conways at all! Conway is like a preppy boy trying to be tough.He has no personality or flavour and just acts obnoxious and believes he knows it all. His wife is also an annoying sidekick who gets her emotions wrapped up all over her head. The children are misbehaved.
I hope to see The Conways crumble! They're begging for it!
Doug getting killed. The actor who plays him is really awesome, and seems like an incredibly humble guy... but his character, ugh. I hate him. He's a cruel, lonely messed up middle aged man who has major daddy issues and so is constantly doting over Frank trying to maintain his approval, instead of trying to develop a healthy relationship with a woman that doesnt involve some form of death or injury. A seriously unlikable character.
At least The Underwoods, as despicable as they are, seem to have a genuine slither of humanity underneath all the corruption and manipulation. Doug? Nah. He's just like an obedient dog that Frank should put out of its misery, like in the pilot.
Yeah, Doug devolved from a ruthless but slick fixer down to a intense weirdo control freak with all the murder, madness, and mayhem catching up on him.
shareDoug is a tragedy, a guy of intense loyalty who unfortunately pledged his allegiance to the devil; Frank Underwood is the devil - there really should be no confusion as to who is the dog and who is the tail being wagged thereby.
Frank demonstrated utter clarity in eliminating any who stand in his way with no remorse. Doug did not want to eliminate Rachel, but dithering with her betrayed his efforts to not go down that road...and it nearly got him killed. Add to this his remorse about the organ recipient and we see that, somewhere deep down, Doug still has a shred of decency. But whatever shreds remain are buried down beneath the sheer weight of depravity that loyalty to Underwood demands.
Unfortunately, the Underwoods destroy people around them. Doug is one of those whom they've destroyed.
Trying real hard to be the shepherd.
Doug dies a terrible terrible death. Maybe he can slowly bleed out for hours.
shareUnderwood winning, because every republican like conway is a corrupt mess. I hope Underwood destroy's Conway's family.
shareThe difficult thing about this show is, everyone loves Kevin Spacey, and he plays this protagonist with seething malevolence...but Frank Underwood is evil incarnate, and Clair is his evil alter-ego.
For all the people they've killed, destroyed or screwed over, both of them should be drawn and quartered, and their heads mounted on pikes along the beltway as a warning to all murderous power couples to don't come in here.
Their comeuppance needs to commensurate with their crimes against humanity, so it's going to have to be one hell of a comeuppance. Although, I should thank them at least for facilitating the use of both "commensurate" and "comeuppance" in one paragraph...especially "comeuppance" - how delicious!...but I digress...
Trying real hard to be the shepherd.
The Underwoods win the Election. For the show to continue they need to win. I could see in Season 6 or if they make it to Season 7, Frank gets assassinated. His assassination protects his legacy and his wife becomes the first woman president.
sharedeath of frank underwood
shareAmerica Works is in place and working and the economy is booming like never before seen and underwood gets a second term and destroys ICO and claire gives some more random handjobs in strange situations to dudes with a boner for her, just for fun.
Frank gets a new bang buddy and we stop with the Frank is gay storyline.
either that or he comes out on some Oprah show and gaymarries his college sweetheart who made him feel good once and the whole show turns into a gay refurendum.