How low do you predict the Tomato-Meter will be?
most critics, and most people for that matter, cannot appreciate the humor of Tim and Eric. I'm guessing about 10% on Rotten Tomatoes, but I'm guessing at least a 7.5 on IMDB.
sharemost critics, and most people for that matter, cannot appreciate the humor of Tim and Eric. I'm guessing about 10% on Rotten Tomatoes, but I'm guessing at least a 7.5 on IMDB.
shareI'd imagine this movie to tank horribly on release only to develop a cult following years later. That seems to be how it works with these guys.
I'd say probably 5-15% rotten.
I'll say in the 20s.
shareI'm going to call right now that this will have a 6.8 on IMDB and a 47% on RT.
Critics generally understand that if something does what it accomplishes and does it well, it means it's quality to a degree. Aqua Teen has 48% on RT, I'd expect this will have about the same. Or better, because it's gonna rock.
What's wrong with superbad? I actually agree with it being rated higher than all of those.
I hate Seth Rogan honestly, but I will give him credit for Superbad. I think it gets a bad rap becuase it's "commercially" successful. But I'm not hating on Monty Python, or Rob Altman I just think they have a much more cult following and completely different kind of success than superbad.
sharesuperbad was funny once. pretty much every movie is better than it
shareI can guarantee that the reviews will be higher than a Combination of "Bucky Larson: Born to be a Star" and "Jack and Jill"'s Tomatometer combined. Jack and Jill has a 3% and Bucky Larson has 0%.
I would have also said "Higher than Human Centipede Part II", and here I'm hoping it has a higher score than that garbage, because if it's lower than H.C. II's 31%, I'll understand why the Mayan's think 2012 is the end of the world.
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