
For those of you who think T&E is junk, that it is nothing more than toilet humor and strange images, do you realize pretty much the most relevant comedians in Hollywood claim that T&E are groundbreaking and hilarious? Guys like Ferrel, Zach G., Will Forte, and John C. Reilly pretty much go out of their way to work with T&E. Do you think that pay was an incentive to appear on a relatively unknown, low-budget show that has the apparent production quality of a passing stool? Call them comedian's comedians.

Sure, you shouldn't call them funny just because that's what said comedians say. But I also highly doubt that they would waste their time with T&E if they didn't think that there was something funny about the show.

Face it, regardless if T&E are your cup of tea or not, if you don't SENSE any humor in it, it's probably going over your head.



i loved it. ya blew it


Gotta kill that woooooooooooolf!


Agreed, the whole time watching the movie I thought something was going to happen where the film would suddenly change gears into something madcap and hilarious, but it didn't. I was just left with some severely depressing attempts at comedy from two people I greatly admire.


In other words, you were expecting a 90 minutes of sketch comedy, instead of, you know, a movie with an actual storyline.


Wow you completely missed the point of the thread. I didn't intend to discuss the movie, rather T&E as a whole. I was saying to any haters that professional comedians of a similar type of comedy clearly respect T&E. That says something.

If only ya got it ya dingus!


Your point? Justin Bieber probably respects Li'l Wayne and Eminem, that doesn't mean that any of them are about anything less than trash.

Your argument is weaker than that tiny little brain of yours.


One thing that upsets me on all boards and non-professional critiques of anything is the insistance that the actual product is bad.

Here's the deal.

You'd probably come off sounding less like a judgemental jerk if you didn't spout words like trash and garbage without using an opener to those words and labels such as "I think it's" or "I felt it's" or "Man, that *** is...".

I mean, really...what made you the authority of such judgements to be passed that all other shall heed your views?

This goes for the other side of the coin as well.

And it also goes for labeling people who 'don't get it'. "I think people just don't get it" says the same thing without making you look like snobby b*tch as "You people just don't get it."

That being said (and having said that), we now return you to your regularly scheduled poop-label slinging by pretentious judgemental know-it-alls who think that their word is the final one ever and that their opinions are to be shared by all, less ye be damned to eternal hell, tossed into a lake of fire and rained upon by a million diarrea-infected seagulls who just got fed by enthusiastic tourists on a fairy ride across a river that has no name.

Peace, homies.


By your logic, Will Ferrell must be the Justin Bieber of the comedy industry. Maybe this is true for you, but I'm willing to bet that Ferrell is much more widely respected and appreciated by more demographics and the general public than Justin Bieber. The point of using Ferrell and John C. Reilly is because they are established comedians and have made successful movies, whereas Bieber at this point in his career is typically just mocked and has no credibility whatsoever. Also, JB isn't a rapper, so he has no place in speaking on the quality of rap, whereas Ferrell, Galifinakis, and Reilly are comedians supporting fellow comedians.


I love T&E but I just don't understand your argument here. you could have talked about the the actual aspects of their humour, but instead you rely on a modified ad populum argument to get your point across. you're just using mainstream celebrities to justify your argument. I agree that those four you've listed are funny, as well as other guests, but you could pretty much justify the existence of any show by saying guest stars have acted in it. there's nothing that makes their tastes better or more reliable than anyone else's.

also the show really isn't "relatively unknown". It's one of the more popular [adult swim] shows.

I'm not really a huge fan of the movie either.


some people, like me, adore every stupid thing they do. i find their 15 minute fake sitcom pilots like "just 3 boyz", "father and son" and the new show priceless. i actually can't "tom goes to the mayor" but i'm willing to buy and watch it. they make a special entertainment "for the people", if you're those kind of people. i'm 36 and i totally "got" this movie. do you really think robert loggia, the redhead guy who played his assistant--from "real genius" and other films--and jeff goldblum were such losers that they were FOOLED or DESPERATE enough to do this film? it make like 200k and i bet they'd be willing or LOVE to work with tim and eric again. our pop culture changed DRASTICALLY in terms of pace and delivery since the 90s and if you're under 30, i have NO idea how awful this film might be to you and i don't care but think about it... adults love them.
