Parts of B$M that made you burst out laughing?
Let's turn things positive, to prevent the fangirlies' lip trembles from turning into full-blown cries.
No particular order:
1) Masturbation scene
2) Jim Joe falling into the pool... twice
3) The used toilet paper store
4) The stupid way they run across town and all the way to Swallow Valley
5) Modeling their Dobis wear for the emotional delivery man who, for some reason, hasn't left the room yet
6) Most scenes with Will Forte
7) Dobis PR song
8) Top Gun, from the top... again
9) The little handheld telescope that Eric holds up that was obviously the one he used in "The Terrys" (that was great)
10) The way Tim says "Ah *beep* after Eric says "Hells yeah!"
11) Eric saying that ^^
12) Eric running out of the mall, Katie's dead body as a shield
13) The look Tim gives the camera after Eric says they've got like a billion dollars worth of diamonds left over from the movie shoot.
14) "I have too many teeth in my mouth!"
15) Various Taquito scenes
See, it had its moments....