Favorite Parts?

Here are my favorite parts from this absurdly and retardedly hilarious movie:

1. When Eric proposes to his girlfriend and then she gets shot through the head. Then he uses her body as a shield to fight the Schlaang goons.

2. Tim cutting his arm off in the bar scene, just like he said he wanted to do.

3. The beginning of the movie with all the different "Schlaang" entertainment/films things. Retarded but hilarious!

4. The stupid as hell "Two Horses" song, with the clip of the two horses. So dumb and hilarious!

5. The Will Ferrel commercial for the "Swallow Valley Mall": It's fu#@ing easy to run a mall!

6. "Tim and Eric were sentenced to death for the murders of Tommy Schlaang, etc. etc." HAHAHAHAHA, so brilliant!


Breaking character and explaining they decided to take the film in a hard right direction.

(Basically, they created the universe, the characters, exhausted the storylines and interactions, and knew it was time to cross a line and lead to devastation for all.)

"Remember this: It should not have been Edgar, but Kim." - Stephen King in EW.


I loved Tim and Eric's S'wallow Valley Mall commercial.

"My dad told me this is the coolest mall ever. You think you know more than my dad? Don't *beep* come then."

That was the hardest I laughed during the whole movie.


In no particular order:
Bread Pitt/Robert Breadford
I'm not meant to live long
Abandoned port-a-potties
Hi. I'm Chef Goldblum
Please out or peace out?
That hot butter
I have way too many teeth in my mouth
The smell of fresh meat in the air
I know my Johnny depp
Front of the line at premieres parties
Hot corn before the movie not after the movie
You *beep* blew it
That's for betraying us, Allen
They sell things for mommies and daddies
There's no curtain. You just close your eyes.
I'll have Jeffrey run a diagnostic.
Dobo better investigo
There's so much *beep* bread here
This is a funky place
Finest softest meat
I'm gonna murder myself
Wow! This is easy.
All the elements of business. They're all here, Eric.
Like you like to do
Mama wolf!
Had to empty my balls into something
So *beep* high
My mushroom tip
We make a mess. You clean it up.
Good luck, *beep*
Explode in your canal
Yo, I want to go dumb.
I want to cut my *beep* arm off.
Now I don't know!
Keep swords off the streets
Get rid of all you squatters
Are you a man or possibly two men?
Not a bad boy.
I honor our friendship and I honor our love
Boys Who do business
What's that? *beep* It's a *beep* smell.
Is that you? It smells like po-po.
He's a real wolf. He'll bite ya.
You're winking through it
I worked hard for it.
Well now you do you piece of *beep*
Really looking forward to crunching some numbers on that taqutor, Taquito.
I want to eat their *beep* hearts
Get the hell out of my store.
Top gun from the top. Again.
What it's like to be a real man.
Shrim begin
Eviction notice
Bonjour. Oui, oui. Magnifique.
I wanna live in this mall forever.

