Tim and Eric's comedy, tv series, films and the like are without question amongst the most advanced and original material on the planet.... Perhaps so advanced that the haters will likely come around in years to come.. but maybe not.
Either way, I cant express enough my admiration and gratitude to the pair of them for being able to forge ahead and do it strictly their way without comprimises... That alone regardless of your stance on the material warrants major respect...
And i know for sure that they wouldnt be the slightest bit surprised by the negative feedback or the low box office gross.. They know full well to expect it, as it comes with the territory... Point is to have made it, to keep producing this medium of which so few have the forsight and or dedication and committment, let alone the creative aptitude to be so original ,prolific and consistant with this sub sub genre I could only describe (if i had to) as HYPER INTELLIGENT SELF-AWARE 4TH DIMENTIONAL SUB CULTURAL COMEDIC TREASURES :-)
Such huge respect to Tim and Eric, So very thankful for them.. Just hope they are aware of just how far their reach is these days, because its definately reaching its target audience... I truly feel sorry for the haters, only because your overlooking such groundbreaking hilarious, and ultimately completely original stuff....
mad respect
long live tim and eric