MovieChat Forums > Powers (2015) Discussion > Agents of SHIELD or this?

Agents of SHIELD or this?

I wanted to start watching one super hero/powers type show, but dont know which one to choose!
I know that the both shows probably are really diferent, but I would like your opinion, answering which one is the best in this aspects and why please, because thats what I am searching for now:
- Action/Fight scenes;
- CGI;
- Plot;
- Dialogue/Actors.

Thank you so much, and NO SPOILERS please!


Well on Agents Of Shield you get politically correct fighting. If a male and female character scare off in a training match, the woman sucker punches the guy or flips him 30 seceonds in. They do have more fights in Agents of Shield compared to Powers. The special effects in AOS are better because it is a much more expensive show on a major network. The special effects in Phantom Menace were great, but are people really clamoring to watch that movie again.

The fights from Powers might cause death for a character. I actually like that aspect.

Powers does have story arcs. Agents of Shield dropped the ball plenty from first season AIM, Graviton, Quinten. they seemed confused or misguided during that "The Real Shield" story arc. I also heard they were trying to make MockingBird and her husband into its own show, so that ansers why it felt empty to me during their phase on the show. But I didnt about the spinoff at the time.
I told the Marvel fanboys LMDs were coming and they yelled NO at me. I am apathetic for the upcoming season of AOS.

As for dialogue, if you can tolerate profanity, then Powers is the show for you. Even Quinten Terrinto takes notice. :)
In terms of the dialogue, there have been a few times when I could say the next line of charcaters on AOS. They also had one a cringy line about bringing the funk. Agents Of Shield is protected by a brand name. Also nothing on the tv show has affected the movie universe as far as I know.

Just to let you know, POWERS is an aquired taste. I can understand why people would not chose it as one of their superhero shows. They tried to sell it as positve spin about changing some producers, but you know how that goes. I hope there is a third season of POWERS.

I am The Doctor and this is my spoon !


Really nice reply!
Thank you!


Have you read any of the episodes sypnosis for season 1 ?

In season 2, they do have end credit scenes. I prefer season 2 over season 1. I wish there were more episodes sypnosis for season 2.

I am The Doctor and this is my spoon !


Watch both. Both different but good.


I think Powers could be the best super hero show rumming but the budget is very low so action scenes and effects look almost like a fan made youtube video. But the story, the characters and atmosphere are very good. It has this noir feeling to it and while I like agents of shield it your average Marvel show. Not bad but also not great.

But if you want to watch one super hero show you should definitely go with either The Flash or DareDevil easily the shows out there.


Based on the Criteria, I would have to say Agents of Shield, AOS excels more in all the areas in which you are looking for.


I end up watching AoS and it was really the type of show I was looking for at this moment.


Just watch Daredevil if you haven't already


AGENTS OF SHIELD is better on just about every level though you have to keep in mind that it isn't very good until the end of Season One. When CAPTAIN AMERICA WINTER SOLDIER was released the show coordinated itself with the Marvel films and was much better after that. But you'll have to be patient until then.

One reason the technical aspects of SHIELD is better is that POWERS is a very low budget film. Second and third rate special effects. The acting is frequently awful and some of the lead characters are terribly miscast. SHIELD has some problems as well, but isn't as bad. And sadly Joss Whedon worked only on the series premiere. His brother and sister in law are the writers and show runners.

And let me add that I'm a mammoth POWERS fan, that is the comic book. Big fan of the Jim Steranko version of SHIELD as well. SHIELD is very, very loosely based on the Steranko comic, but far more on a later major SHIELD series. I won't say which because it would mean a HUGE spoiler as the the main girl's identity.


Powers hands down, has depth, originality and is touching as hell. AOS is teenagers stuff, Powers is adult stuff.
But by your criteria:
- Powers
- Powers


Powers hands down, has depth, originality and is touching as hell. AOS is teenagers stuff, Powers is adult stuff.
But by your criteria:
- Powers
- Powers

Agree with this. A lot of the characters on AOS are boring as hell. The one I liked best was Lorelei from season 1 and they stupidly never brought her back. Actually there's quite a lot of potentially interesting things they could've set up on AOS, but constantly keep on dropping the ball with their storylines and some are ditched completely.

I'm currently watching the new seasons of Powers and the first episode has a certain character trying out her powers and already it's way more fun watching her trying to train than the scenes I would see on Agents of Shield. Powers has better characters and has more payoff with their storylines than AOS.
