Plot Hole

Spoiler Warning!

Okay, just saw this. If I have this right, at the end it is revealed that all 4 guys except Vincent are in the Loft in the morning and think there is a dead girl laying on the bed with a bunch of pills all around. Luke thinks he killed her the night before but is leading the other 3 to believe she committed suicide. He then shows the other three the DVDs he took of Vincent having sex with their wives so they will want to hatch a plot to make it look like Vincent is connected with her death. So they all agree that Phillip will cut her up, they will drug Vincent, and then handcuff him to the bed so he is connected with her death. (Unbeknownst to the other 3, Luke is going to make it look like Vincent murdered her by getting rid of the "suicude" note he had faked up. The other 3 just think Phillip will be connected to a suicide.) Phillip being the sadistic guy he is goes wild with the slashing.

But then it turns out she isn't really dead when Phillip slashes her, so Phillip actually killed her.

There is big plot problem with this. Surely these guys (who all seemed fairly intelligent) would have known she wasn't dead. A dead body would be cold, and rigor mortis would have set in. Of course, if she had been dead, there would be no bleeding when her wrists were cut. The movie wants you to think these 4 guys all thought you can cut the wrists of someone who has been dead for hours and make it look like she bled to death.

Admittedly, I may have missed something.


I don't think they all agreed Phillip was going to cut her up, they thought he was just going to make it look like she killed herself. If you recall Marty and Chris get pissed off at Phillip by the way he did it. Phillip isn't too intelligent so I don't think he would know she wouldn't bleed out if she was already dead.


No but once she was Cut and bled they would have gone..... OOOOOPPPPSSSS


The first one in was Luke followed by Vincent. Once Chris came in, he looked at the bed and said "Phillip". Vincent questioned it, but Chris quickly reacts.

He said that because of what Phillip did and did not know he was going to do that but Vincent was already there so he couldn't say anything more.



Cocaine is a helluva drug.


I never thought about that! I thought the body would still bleed after being dead for days. And wouldnt her body have blackish bruises on it because of the body rotting after laying there for days? What about worms eating her body? Feces and urine coming out too?


I didn't even think of those. You're right!
She should have smelled awful unless they keep the A/C on there 24/7.
And even then, she definitely should have released her bowels and bladder... She wouldn't have had such a defined color to her, either. She should have been blue by then!

Then again, that's not very sexy, huh? So they definitely wouldn't have let it be realistic, haha.


Bodies don't start to decompose until several days later - not few hours later. Also, they don't release their bowels and bladder when they die.


"Bodies don't start to decompose until several days later - not few hours later."

A body STARTS to decompose immediately. Of course you will not look like a zombie from the walking dead in 1 hour but you do decompose. Life support for the body and its organs down to the smallest of cells is gone so they die off.

"Also, they don't release their bowels and bladder when they die."

That is not completely true. Some do, do some dont. Some release their bladder completely and some dont. Some have loose and complete loss of stool, others a slow loss and smearing.

Resources: Several friends are nurses. And I have worked with the medical photographer in a hospital for the past 15 years. He photographs every autopsy. Has done so for over 25 years. He has learned and passed on information.


It wasn't days though, she had only been dead for a few hours.


RIP Rick James.....


*beep* yo couch fool


Plus he was high AF!


THis was one of my major problems with the movies.
You're telling me none of those adult males had even vague medical knowledge of a body?

Dead people don't have a beating heart. No beating heart, no blood flow.
When he sliced her arm open, should have been an instant "We messed up, we'd better call the cops."

The entire plot was flimsy. I knew glasses guy was a pervert up to no good from the start. There really was zero reason to watch this aside from the guy being hot.

I agree that it really felt like the creators thought we were idiots.


The guy was high on drugs. How the hell would he know a dead body doesn't bleed?

Stand up for what is right, even if you are standing alone.


Yes, especially since one of them supposedly took a Latin course for pre-med. Lame.


There is no indication that chris didnt know that the slashing was what actually killed her as he is never not around vincent to express to the others that fact. The only time he is not around vincent after that is being interrogated and the only thing he looks shocked at is when they said there was no suicide note.


And the Latin is - of course - wrong.


Anyone reading this...Off the top of your head without having to Google it, how long does it take for blood to collate after death? 1 minute? 1 hour? 1 day? I am not a medical doctor, nor do I ever look at CSI :-p so I am not going to know these things. I am assuming the characters in this film have the same amount of medical knowledge as I, and thus assumed the same. Its not a plot hole.


Chris was a psychiatrist, which is a medical doctor. (not like psychologist, which is a phd)


According to Children of the Corn, four minutes.

(Consider a review site if you don't want spoilers. This is a discussion board.)


It's another one of those movies made by people who were lucky enough never to see a real dead body. It only works for the writers because they just swallowed the premise that everything takes place on a screen and isn't real at all.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Yeah when I saw her bleeding out like that from the wrists I knew she was still alive. I agree with you that it seems like the movie expects you to believe none of those guys would have noticed this fact til the cop said something to Chris about it... Kinda ignorant IMO. Also, I called from the jump that Mr. Creepster (Luke) had something to do with what was going on. So it was kinda predictable in that sense.. Still, it kept me engaged throughout, and I enjoyed it overall.


heh, "hole"


Oh my god dude. Please learn the definition of a plot hole.

Stand up for what is right, even if you are standing alone.
