Season 3 | Coven | questions

I have some questions regarding season 3, please do note I've only watched seasons 1-3. So please do not spoil other seasons, I've heard that there are seasons on AHS which are connected or something.

1. Episode 4:
Why did the The Council not investigate who cut Spalding's tongue at the time it happened?
Or maybe Spalding could've wrote it on a piece of paper who did it (and lie about it), and not later on, in the modern time.

Nobody was really interested into finding it out at the time, only at the modern time, why is that?

2. Why did Fiona took sleeping pills all the time? Why was she having trouble sleeping?

3. When Zoe killed Spalding, he remained trapped in the room after he died, just like the Axeman.
Why did Madison (killed by Fiona) / Misty (killed by Madison by being trapped in the coffin) passed away but the other two didn't?

4. Episode 12:
Were Delphine's daughters actually there with Marie and Delphine in Papa Legba's Hell or was it just an image of her daughters?
I guess they weren't there since they didn't do nothing wrong, thus not going to Hell by Papa Legba.

5. Did the other witches from the Coven (Queenie, Fiona, Zoe, Misty and Madison) never notice that both of The Council members are gone? Only Cordelia knew, when Myrtle told her in the last episode.


4: yeah it seems like it’s some sort of world created to make her suffer but Marie Laveau is actually there with her so I like to think it was really them. They did plot to murder their own mother and “no one gets away with it in the end”. Not with Papa.

5: I don’t think they could’ve known.


Have someone translate your post into English and I might be able to help you.
