Ok that ending made no sense

Why did those two normal people have a baby that was another anti christ? Michael was only born the anti christ because he was conceived in Murder House and his father was an evil ghost.


Won't explain it next season I bet. Because it would be some other bullshit.
Probably, Satan finding loopholes to and that end of the world is a prophecy that can't be cancelled, only delayed.
Notice how this time around the Crows and Red skies appear much, much earlier for the new Anti-christ, right about the time when he killed his Baby-sitter and the Satan worshippers immediately showed-up?


There had to be something special about the two young people to get selected in the first place. Because we know now, that the evil Corporation picked them - maybe they were meant to be Plan B all the time if Micheal fails or dies.

At least it gave some closing on the first three episodes. Even though, I liked the randomness of building them up and killing them in episode 3.


I can see that but it wasn't explained at all, we got no explanation as to why those two young teens was selected for the bunker, none, and its kinda something that should have been addressed. They wasn't rich and their families obviously wasn't devil worshipers, so why them?

The writers clearly couldn't come up with anything that would make sense so they just had the ending just happen with no flashback of a conversation about why they was selected for the bunker or anything.

I mean why would a suburban normal white guy who's excited about going to college and a random black girl be the ones to bring forth the anti christ? I mean can any two random fuckers just have sex and have the chance to spawn an anti christ?

In anything i've ever seen where the son of Satan is born, like The Omen, Rosemary's Baby, all have a logical explanation as to why the baby was born evil, it was never just two people have a baby and its suddenly the spawn of Satan.


We just know, that the boy came from a good not satanistic family --- nothing about the background of the girl. But anyway, if they want to go back there, they can show, what made them or her special.

Perfect genetics sounds not so bad for the antichrist - and they didn't show the conception of the child.
Lots of room to explain if they want to - which is fine for me.

But I guess it was just a typical Horror Ending a la "the evil isn't defeated" just as a gag.
Not sure if they want to make another antichrist story.


Well judging by the girl protesting for children being used as slave labor i'd say she comes from a fairly normal/good background with a family that raised her right and are not satanists.

I just think they went for as you said the typical horror ending where you think its over but wait its not really over, and they didn't have any explanation for how or why, they just threw it in there just to have a twist. And i hate that, i expect more from Ryan Murphy, this ending was just lazy and not explained at all.


Just a little detail. I don't think she was just a random black woman. I got the impression when they met at the protest thing(the guy off handedly saying she was going to change the world or something like that) that she was kind of special and had the capability to make political and social change. To gain influence. Maybe someone like that could be a asset if she turned to a supporter of the anti Christ.


I think it was explained in the first episode that Tim was selected because he went onto one of those ancestry DNA sites and the people he sent the DNA info to found that he had the perfect genes. Now, maybe his immediate family wasn't into devil/satan worshiping, but maybe an ancestor or two were. Same thing with Emily. I believe Emily was chosen because she did the same thing with the ancestry sites and they traced her family tree far back enough to find devil/satan worshiping at some point. So maybe Tim and Emily carried the perfect genes from their ancestors, and those perfect genes were obviously to create a new antichrist if Michael failed. But in the timeline we saw, Tim and Emily were killed off before they could create the new antichrist. When Mallory went back in time though, she only prevented Michael becoming the antichrist and stopping his apocalypse. Mallory didn't prevent Tim and Emily creating another one. So the two ended up crossing paths a different way and then they created a new antichrist. So all that really happened was that the apocalypse got delayed, but is eventually still going to happen. And the whole antichrist thing is on an endless loop. When one dies and the timeline is reset, the antichrist is reborn or something through another child/person.

Another thing I'm thinking of, is maybe there was no motive or reason for why Tim and Emily were chosen to create the new antichrist. Maybe they were chosen just because. Maybe evil doesn't really need a motive/reason for who would be the ones to bring the new antichrist into the world. It just does stuff just because and evil decided to randomly choose Tim and Emily's child in this new timeline.

I just knew something was up with Tim and Emily though when they decided to show them cross paths in the new timeline and then show them having a kid. I figured that once we seen the two in the hospital and their baby was born in the "one year later" scene, there would be something off with the kid.


Yeah thats a good point i guess, still it should have been explained at the end and revealed why they was chosen, cause 9 out of 10 people who watched that ending wouldn't put that together what you did. Just have a short scene flashing back and showing the nerds checking their family history out and seeing the Satanists history.


I think it's mostly like another person said, the apocalypse can pushed at bay, but that's all. Only delayed, never eradicated.

I'd say Timothy and Emily's genes played a huge part. But I don't think they were necessarily special. Because when they arrived, we saw other young attractives being killed for coitus. They were easily another back-up pair. And maybe not wanting these people to reproduce another "average" mouth to feed when they might be needed to replace the Antichrist, that could be a big reason for the no sex rule.

And while the Antichrist probably, in this TV universe, needs some sort of special way of coming into existence, it's probably not so specific as how Michael came to be, ie it didn't have to be that particular house and those particular parents. Just something dark, twisted, and evil. And who knows what darkness Timothy and Emily have seen in this alternate world where they've had a kid.


If I remember correctly wasn't the no sex rule one of Ms Venable's rules? I don't think it was Collective policy for the sanctuaries.


I believe so, but who knows what her reasons might have been, could've been that if she'd known something others didn't. I realize that chance is small, but you never know with this show.


Maybe Emily was raped by some other malevolent ghost at some point during her marriage. Tim may not be the father.


We kind of learned from the episode Return to Murder House that while Tate did mechanically get the Harmon woman pregnant he is only the father of Michael by mechanics. It's really the true evil and darkness/satan that Michael is the seed and son of. I think this is similar with Tim and Emily.


There's a theory out there (that popped up during the season actually) that those two (Emily and Timothy I think their names were) are or are somehow related to Kit's two children from Asylum (their genders and races fit). Maybe they'll revisit that in the future if they have an Asylum crossover.
