Does Harold have hoplophobia?
I just watched a scene in season 4 episode 15 in which Harold bonks a bad guy over the head with a brass urn and knocks him out. The camera then shows the bad guy's gun lying about 6 inches away from his hand. Harold sees it, hesitates a second, then puts the urn on a shelf and takes Claire hurriedly away.
Watching this I was reminded of Harold's dislike of firearms. I thought, if it were me, I would have at least kicked the pistol across the floor or hidden it so when the bad guy woke up (probably a few moments later) he would not be coming after us shooting.
Why didn't he take the reasonable precaution of making sure the bad guy did not have the gun when he woke up? (When someone is knocked out from a blow to the head, they often wake up within a minute or so.)
He is primarily concerned with preserving lives, making people safe from danger.
Leaving the gun with the bad guy just increased the threat to Claire. And Harold wants to decrease that threat. The logical thing would have been to take the gun, or at least hide it.
It would take an irrational fear of handguns to make him leave that gun with the bad guy.
I wonder if Harold has a mild phobia.