Donald Trump wins

I wonder what shonda rhimes is thinking right now. this show has always been liberal trash and about ridiculing republicans. mind you that shonda and everyone who worked for her endorsed Hilary. it must hurt.


Why don't you go ask her what she's thinking? What do you want from Shonda? She's one human being and she's entitled to her choices and opinions just like you. Trump won. Your Amerikkka will be great again so go somewhere and be happy. Hell yeah it hurts so don't kick people while they're down. You sound like, "na na na na na. Trump won now how you feel?"


First of all let me say that I like Obama compared to trump and clinton. you will find that most voters do as well. this is not about race, obama was sworn in twice and has had his highest approval ratings yet, he even rivals ronald ragan now. Hilary lost because of all her skeletons. any democrat like joe biden or bennie sanders would have beaten trump.

However Shonda has always been so full of herself and a hypocrite. she is a lousy and terrible tv writer, who thinks its cool to treat people disrespectfully because they don't confirm to her liberal trash believes.

shonda likely bullied everyone in shondaland to vote for Hilary and she made this show to poke fun at republicans constantly. so yeah, she deserves to get burnt by this lousy election we had between two loser candidates.


If you don't think race has anything to do with this...okay. You live in Wonderland. Everything you've said about Shonda except the writer part is true of our new president so you're gloating why? I don't see what your point is. Doesn't matter. Have a good day.


I can't until four years from now when Trump has Effed up the economy even more than bush did and we're stuck in like 6 was. Remember all those home foreclosures across the nation and how the city of Detroit filed for bankruptcy. That'll look like child's play four years from now trust me. But long live Amerikkka. SMDH


All I know is I've never lost a bet when politicians run a campaign hating black and brown people....and they win. I'm going to say it: If you make brown and black people the boogie man, voters will line up down the block to vote for that candidate.

Trump is the son of a Klan man. His daddy got arrested at a Klan rally. And this is what was elected. In the news, Klan people in full hoods and sheets are marching in North Carolina today.

Stock in private prisons has shot through the roof when he was elected.

Hate crimes have been on the rise all over the nation against Muslims and Latinos. We already know about shootings in the black community by cops.

And whatever Trump is in private, we will now see in full effect for at least 4 years.

He's not my president. Yes, I can say it. If Obama was dissed without cause for 8 years, then the MAGA people can get it back in spades.

I repeat: He's not my president.


Thank you! I don't see how anyone with half a brain can say this has nothing to do with race. This is a racists field day.


Yes, I saw that the largest private prison corporation benefited highly from a Trump announcement.

Just once again shows how crazy people were for not seeing the forest for the trees. Clinton and the emails will look like child's play after an all Republican government gets done rewriting laws and throwing people in jail right and left. All the while, Ivanka, Eric, and Jr are trading stocks and making a fortune.

I had a lady at work say, well Donald an close all the loopholes and fix the tax code. People really are stupid enough to think he's in this as savior.


I am so glad this election is over, you'll never know! I'm an elderly white grandmother raised in the rural South in the 1940s, and I so want everyone, no matter their color or beliefs, to get least, to learn to respect one another, and I feel that Trump deliberately went 100% in the other direction, and I'm mortified that he is now the president of our country.

Yes, our country and our government definitely needs many changes, but electing a butthead like Donald Trump who doesn't respect anyone it seems is not going to get it done. Words are cheap and he expended a LOT of cheap words. It's one thing to say them, it's another to make them happen. He'll need help to make them happen, and I don't believe he'll have that help. Something inside me makes me feel he is the downfall of America, and I'm usually a very optimistic person with a smile on my face. Oh well, I'll continue doing what I can to make my little spot in Central Florida be the best it can be.


I am so glad this election is over, you'll never know! I'm an elderly white grandmother raised in the rural South in the 1940s, and I so want everyone, no matter their color or beliefs, to get least, to learn to respect one another, and I feel that Trump deliberately went 100% in the other direction, and I'm mortified that he is now the president of our country.

Yes, our country and our government definitely needs many changes, but electing a butthead like Donald Trump who doesn't respect anyone it seems is not going to get it done. Words are cheap and he expended a LOT of cheap words. It's one thing to say them, it's another to make them happen. He'll need help to make them happen, and I don't believe he'll have that help. Something inside me makes me feel he is the downfall of America, and I'm usually a very optimistic person with a smile on my face. Oh well, I'll continue doing what I can to make my little spot in Central Florida be the best it can be.

Thank you so much for your comments.

I'm with you there....even though I'm black married to a white man. For the first time in my life, I was afraid to go outside today. Why? For fear the police here, led by Trump's hate speech, may assault me in my own neighborhood. I've never committed a crime in my life. I have a master's degree. But I'm afraid that if a white police officer, emboldened by Trump's "Lets do away with political correctness", and go after me not knowing that I'm not the boogie man they are looking for.

I went on Twitter, and the "Make America Great Again" crowd are gleefully repeating Trump's talking points. Telling people of color and Muslims, "We (white people) don't have to be PC anymore to protect you people." So now, Trump supporters will see nothing wrong with telling "like it is" according to them. Examples:

Men putting up pictures of a kitchen and captioning the photo telling women that the kitchen is where they will always serve best.

Trump supporters, male and female, openly calling black people the "N" word, bragging that they don't have to spare anyone's feelings anymore.

Supporters now calling Muslims "terrorists" and "you can pack up and leave now."

Telling Latino's to start walking until they get past the Mexico border. Citizen or non citizen.


And when Trump gets what he said he wanted from day one, "Hey if I pull this off, I go into the history books!" His supporters will find that there are zero infrastructure projects that can be done in, say, rural Nebraska. Then they will see Trump for the fraud he is. Him and his family are only here to sell Ivanka's apparel, Trump ties and MAGA hats...all made in China. And Trump supporters will buy it with what little money they have. As long as they can obviously hold on to their whiteness and feeling of supremacy over the black/brown boogie man that Trump convinced them are hiding under their bed. This feels like the Willie Horton ads of 1988 perpetrated by Bush senior. Remember that?

You know LBJ said it in the 1960's: If a politician can convince the 'lowest' white person that they are better than the 'best' black person, whites will vote for you while you pick their pocket.

He was right...then and now...


My hope is that he'll do something so heinous, we'll impeach him. I lived around some of the lower income, socio-economic, illiterate people he's pandered to while I was growing up and those same people still ride around with guns in their gun rack in their trucks, are ignorant and proud of it, and unfortunately, they're still the same way and they've taught their little children to be just like's. It's disgusting.


My hope is that he'll do something so heinous, we'll impeach him.

After all the bullsh*t I think the democrats won't have the energy to do it. The republicans spent 8 years scorching the earth. I hope the Dems won't continue the non-sense. We've collectively had enough.

I watched Trump with Obama today in the Oval Office. To me, Trump looked small, scared, voice quivering and looked like he wanted to cry. Yes folks....ish got very real for the scorched earth candidate.

The awesome thing is Obama is going to be in town for 2 more years waiting for Sasha to finish school. He stated he would help Trump whenever he needed it. Pretty good even though Trump denounced him as the worst president ever.

Screw Donald Trump. Now that he got the real low down on what he signed up for.....he looks stricken. Good. I swear, I hope the stress puts him in the hospital. Then when he starts working the job, let the public abuse him as much as the MAGA racist flamed Obama. He has it coming.
