Major gay agenda in S4

Alex randomly turned gay, Charlie from the football team was gay, The Dean randomly revealed he's also gay, Winston was gay, and at prom we had our first gay male couple win prom king and queen. Jessica even teased going lesbian at one point.

They even brought back Ryan and Courtney out of the blue in the final episode cause the writers suddenly remembered they was gay, and it was a good opportunity to show Courtney's two gay dads.

It was just so in your face, i have no problem with being gay but they was forcing this gay agenda down your throat all season.


I got a gay vibe from Alex since the first season.


that's because he IS gay in real life. I was wondering the same thing in the first season, I was like: how they put such a femenine guy to be a straight character?


Yeah it did feel like they went over the top with the whole gay thing in S4. Just about more than half of the male cast was gay which seems very unlikely.
