As a series...?
Silly, I know, to post about something I haven't & might not actually watch, but I read the book about ten years ago on Kindle. It was okay. I honestly felt as though Hannah's character got away from Asher, that actual suicide seemed unlikely--especially given that no one in the story had seen her body or attended her funeral. Sometimes that happens, a writer plans events to go a certain way, but characters wind up not cooperating.
Since heard that Asher's original ending did have Hannah still alive at the end, but that he changed it as inauthentic.
Point here, though, is that while I certainly would have watched a movie version of the book, I'm not sure I'm up to a series.
Granted this is in the YA genre & I graduated high school in '76, so haven't qualified for that demographic in a long, long time. But I still enjoy well written high school drama (or melodrama, might be a better way to put it).
So I wonder if anything thinks the series has enriched or deepened the story. Is it a worthwhile plunge if you're someone who read the book, didn't find it a waste, but probably wouldn't read it again?