Enjoyable if you let it be
Some movies are just plain awful with no redeeming qualities. Kind of what I expected going into this one. I ended up being pleasantly surprised.
Did it bring anything new to the table? Absolutely not. Did it claim to? No.
Sometimes that's OK. It seems as though too many film makers are too caught up with adding a big twist or pleasing the critics or other film makers that they lose site of their audience. Newsflash; the target audience for this type of movie isn't looking for anything new or a twist. They want to see people shoot each other. Things blowing up. And that's what they're given.
Granted any self respective critic is going to get to their lap top as fast as they can to pan this film. And more power to them. But fans of the genre will get exactly what is advertised. They just need to be willing to turn off their brain for an hour and a half or so.