Is Simin so selfish

That she has to threaten to divorce her husband because he wont leave his father to die? I can't understand this mentality. She could have easily gone abroad after he passed away.. so why couldn't she pay her her husband the respect of letting him honor his father, who raised him?




^ that


I really couldn't understand her decision to leave her daughter behind. Nothing we see, gives any justification to her leaving.



Of course there are nursing homes, but old mans son considered it wrong to abandon his father in a nursing home and go to Europe lol


I have a hard time knowing how to word my reponse because my viewpoint is so radically different from yours. I think she was living in a loveless marriage and was terribly pained about that. She was the one who saw her husband quite clearly and, while she gave him so many opportunities to express his love and need for her, he never did and "I could not" he told his daughter. The wife had decided that she had to move on, for her own and her daughter's future.(And we don't know if there might have been some pressing circumstance that also made her need to leave soon). She also had clearly been important to the grandfather (it was SHE who had cared for him all these years, certainly not her husband) but she realized that the reality of the situation was that he didn't recognize his son, and he was essentially a ghost anyway. She had to choose life for herself and her daughter.

She did not abandon her daughter; she just chose not to fight her about staying with the father while the mother moved to her parents' house. She let her daughter discover who/how her father really was. By the end, the girl had seen on numerous occasions how duplicitous and selfish was her father, lying to save his skin and coercing her to lie for him.

IMO, the women were the only loving ones in the film. The father showed a little love for his daughter, but in the end,his focus was on himself and his pride.

The way to have what we want
Is to share what we have.


By the end, the girl had seen on numerous occasions how duplicitous and selfish was her father, lying to save his skin and coercing her to lie for him.

IMO, the women were the only loving ones in the film. The father showed a little love for his daughter, but in the end,his focus was on himself and his pride.

What dumb statements to make. You're either a femtard or incapable of analyzing the characters. The father definitely did not lie just to save his own skin, or coerce his daughter into anything. It was an unexpected occurrence and she would have done so anyway. Saying he showed little love for his daughter is also lol, since we see he's clearly the one that's more involved in her life.

Movie shows just as many faults in the women, both in Simin and Razieh, as they do in Nader and Hojjat. You can't fault any of the characters too much if you empathize with the situations they are put in.

My top movies:


What dumb statements to make. You're either a femtard or incapable of analyzing the characters.

It's someone incapable of analyzing the MALE characters properly because they ARE a femtard.

If ANYBODY was lying to save their own skin, it was Razieh.

"Old man look at my life, I'm a lot like you were."


Not that it necessarily justifies Simin behavior, but the reason she wants to go soon is because the visa to go to the US expires in 40 days and I presume those are extremely difficult to come by.


"The father definitely did not lie just to save his own skin, or coerce his daughter into anything."

I'm not sure what movie you watched, but he most definitely did lie to save himself. Or rather, he lied in a manner that he thought would save himself, knowing what he knew at the time.

And no, to his credit, he did not tell his daughter to lie, but he placed her in a moral quandry when she was interrogated and realized what she had to do to protect him. And don't forget, in this culture, lying is a fairly mortal sin.


"I'm not sure what movie you watched, but he most definitely did lie to save himself."

So did Razieh.

Give me an inch, and I'll make the best of it


The writers needed to give Simin more reason to want to leave than they did. She was close to her own family, she had a nice place to live, and the husband seemed like a decent guy with a steady job and the daughter was at a delicate age to leave, so it didn't seem right. Maybe Iranian future life wasn't that great and this was the only chance the family would get to leave the country. Hard to know.
Great movie, anyway.


OMG I just watched this movie again (wow it gets better EVERY time)

I 100% AGREE. Not only is simin selfish, she is a boarder line BITCH when they are aruging in the kitchen, through the entire movie she ASSUMES the WORST in her husband!!!!! I would get evem more angry than Nader and be the one who begs her for a divorce!

Shes the furthest thing from a good caring wife. The blame gets put on Nader, even when she wasnt there to see what happend, she had 0 faith in him.
