Yeah..BW I prefer the old Flintstones, Bugs Bunny, Gilligan, I Love Lucy,and scores more.
Let me elucidate.
I'm a Republican. I love the two versions of LMS (thoiugh agreed on The the new Mandy). and like the new Roseanne.
But gues what. There is the important thing here..
How about.//
NO poltics, just haivng FUN! (like family shows and movies are suppoed to d?)
Which brings me to.....something almost lost, buried, and forgotten.
Old-time classics..all theatrical cartoons, sitcoms, and what have you. ONly occasional things like the WWII pairotism of Bugs, Mr.Howell saying sometimes he'sa Republican, Granny Kincaid bein' a liberated women, Bugs, Yosemite sam, or Popeye and Burutus running for president, but NEITHER liberal NOR CONSERVATIVE rguarly was shoved down the throwats of s.. Yes some exceptions (UPA's cartoons without Mr.Howerll's Jim Backus soulamte (:)) Mr.Magoo) had a liberal vie,w but even they had Gerald McBoing-Bong and such. Dr.Suess. hardly political (The Loraz and some others exceptions, though digestible nonetheless.)
In conclusion,a nd in short,
How about keeping poltiical (right or left) BS light? (still enjoy Last man standing all the same..)
My apologies for being off hand-cocked, and rambling, but I'm pretty sure that the context of my comment's understnabale.
I guess, putting all my eggs in one basket:
Conservative, light,(either way) or NO politics.
Still I live Tim Allen in anything, and that included Home Improvement and a CERTAIN Pixar franchise that started it all for Pixar, and is both wild west and outt a this world. Vented, evem if I sounded gibbersh. Whew.
Agree, for the most part my politics align with the liberal left and I am a fan of Last Man Standing, been watching it since the premiere. While I wouldn't say it is genius or amazing or any of that I find it entertaining for half an hour and not totally stupid.
Funny is funny regardless of where you lie on the political spectrum.
I mean I enjoy this show as much as I enjoy Last Week Tonight (while I must concede that LWT is a very different format to LMS, the politics of the series is my point) and that series is very left leaning.
Somebody on Quora told me that Last Man Standing is emblematic in the two decades since Tim Allen had really bothered doing stand-up and became a film and television star (with Home Improvement and the Santa Clause and Toy Story franchises) he seems to have forgotten how to actually be funny. That lack of time spent honing his craft has really showed on Last Man Standing. Basically on Last Man Standing, Tim Allen isn't acting so much as he is being "himself". In other words, he is simply spewing forth his own political beliefs and it’s supposed to be funny when he does this.
Can't disagree with you there. The writing and Tim's performance and general atmosphere of the show in terms of themes and such is probably one of my main criticism's, especially when you compare it to Home Improvement. Whereas HI seemed more sitcom with a writer's room that Tim had input in LMS seems more Tim tells them some jokes and a core theme and they try and intertwine those with regular dialogue and give it a plot enough for a half hour sitcom. Basically HI seemed like a much more well rounded show to me.
Last Man Standing seems to be one of those shows that goes out of its way to make rather poorly written cheap-shot attacks on liberalism itself. In any other comedic show, they may either point out hypocrisy or gently skewer the foibles of those who may be a bit over-earnest.
Haha yeah that is true, I only roll my eyes and laugh when that happens. I felt the first episode where they where at Fox was particularly bad at that.
[quote]I've heard from colleagues that Tim Allen is no picnic either. Apparently Disney had to step in and insist he stop dropping F bombs around the kids on the Santa Clause movies.
His Last Man Standing crapfest was basically a half-hour of anti-Democrat and lame Obama jokes. Who gave that shitfest a green light? The jokes weren't even funny.
I had no idea Tim Allen was such a hard-core ReThug.
I don't know how TA's politics got dragged into this, but he likely brought it up himself, so if he wants people to know where he stands on such things, then he and his fans have to accept the blow back. Now that I know where he stands, I'm less likely to watch, but I wasn't likely to watch anyway. I'm not really drawn to the modern sit-com, and Allen's personality is meh. I do get sick of people being up in arms about the cancellation and the supposed political angle. Even the much hated Faux network has programming that is successful but not associated with it's political brand. If ABC thought LMS wasn't a $$ maker, they have the right to drop it, and if the was making $$, I doubt they would cancel it. Maybe ten greedy republicans spend less $$ than one carefree millenial.
I watched maybe five minutes of it at someone else's house and it was nothing but racist Deplorable jokes. Democrats were called brownshirts for Soros or something similar, and there was a joke about how black women would have been happier if they'd just remained maids.
But I guess if you're the kind of mental midget still making "Trigglypuff" jokes in 2020, you'd find that kind of thing funny.
Taking everything away from it and just looking at the raw ingredients of a sitcom. Its not good. You have one mega star known for comedy not doing comedy and just bitching. With a bunch of nobodies. He's an upper middle class guy that owns a sporting good store, only relatable part of that is sporting goods. Who makes at times passive aggressive black jokes at the only black neighbor whose become his friend and security guy at the store.
Then you have writing so bad that the show is on its 4th or 5th time jump just to make things work story wise. They've also done the dangerous "jump the shark" thing of adding a character, which is an asian exchange student. The writing is all over the place. Characters change immensely. From being straight as an arrow for say 8 episodes, to uptight for 3 episodes then loosey goosey for say 5 episodes. Characters change all the time and it makes no sense.
The show could have redeeming qualities in the fact that its a diverse family with different opinions. It could show them having their separate opinions, living and loving together. Setting a great example for America. Instead its the right wing vs the left wing fighting for an entire episode about an issue. Then one side wins and they hash it out all while Tim Allens character says in so many words "surprised it worked, here's some more propaganda about why I'm surprised it worked" or "I told you to do it my way" Which sounds okay but then every episode is finished with Tim Allens character talking about how he, his idea or side was right the entire time and sometimes you just got to "let the idiots win" is generally the gist of his diatribes at the end of every episode.
It's a terrible show that feels like something that should've aired decades show who's main appeal is that they shoe-horn in an Obama joke every once in a while, but I love it. At least, I loved it before it's revival. After it's revival, it went from bad but funny to the kind of bad that puts you to sleep.
A perfect example is Mike Baxter and his interactions with his son in law Ryan.[1]
Left liberals are weak. They are ruled by feelings not facts.
They are all vegans, scared of guns and are lazy.
( Edit: liberal men all like ballet, are “ whipped” and can’t survive in the wilderness. They aren’t real men )
They hate America.
They want everything handed to them.
They just do the sex constantly, do drugs.
… except Ben Shapiro. I don’t think he does understands liberals or conservatives. He is so tribalist thinks that conservatives are a religious or racial group. He is just a whacked out cultural warrior.
At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child - miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic, and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.
I'm about as liberal as they come and I love "Last Man Standing." I liked it better in its first season, but I still enjoy the show since that change. Fiction is for everyone. You can enjoy something that revolves around beliefs or values maybe you don't agree with.
Agreed with this very nuanced take. So many older sitcoms were equal opportunity in terms of making fun and comedy about liberals and conservatives alike and it was never a problem back when Americans had a better sense of humor. Family Ties was notorious for mocking libs and repubs equally. All in the Family too. Big Bang did it a lot. I have a theory that audience like it when their political beliefs are the subject of good natured jabs. Plenty of Last Man Standing episodes make fun of Allen’s reactionary conservativism. Guy has made a living off self depreciation