So how are they paying the rent?
Spoilers if you are not up to date with this show:
In previous eps it's been clearly stated that Schmidt pays basically all the bills in the Loft. As he is the most successful one of the group (has a high paying full time job). He basically takes care of Nick who is more or less a bum of sorts, since they are BFFs basically is the logic of the show. Nick has no sense of the world (no bank account, etc.) and works in a bar. Only recently did he become the owner of the bar, with the help of Schmidt and his friends. He is barely a co-owner. I think he was even called a man child.
Anyways when the show started they were living with Coach, who is a person trainer. Probably decent paying job. But he left and we got Winston. Who was unemployed, and only very recently became a cop. That does not pay lavishly, but it's ok. Again this was recent. Then we have Jess that very quickly lost her job. So it was Schmidt paying all the bills......
Cece moved in with Schmidt, and she struggled with money. And again, recently she began managing her own modeling agency. Recently, and also with the help of Schmidt. Recently Jess became principle. And Nick sold like 5 copies of his book for next to nothing. So who is paying the rent? Since Schmidt re-modeled that house himself, is he still paying for the loft!?
So let's see what we got here:
Nick: Co-owner of a bar/Author
Winston: Cop
Jess: Principal
And they live in LA with some of the most expensive real estate....I highly doubt they can afford this place.