Cross overs sucked.

The B 99 was the worst, it added NOTHING to the story, it actually detracted from it. Jess and soup that's it. It wasn't cute nor funny nor smart. It was shoehorned in there.

Then i watched N.G. for the first time in ages... I don't understand how this show is still on. They were totally out of character.
No way Nick spends that much money on lunch, he is broke and tight. That's his thing.
Winston would not spend all his cash on the first day either, even he said i carry prepaid debit. So he knew he would need money and not to blow it.

Schmitt is another kettle of fish. Cece would not let the mum bully her... It was a horrible episode and then seeing Coach at the end and hear him say "I've been to LA like 5 times. That was a Major dick move.

All in all FOX tried something and it failed.

As we grow we learn, i have learned that if you don't like me grow up or ignore me.


They should have connected the two shows together instead of it being an off chance meeting.

Kind of like the bones/sleepy hollow one last year even though Bones just sucks




not to mention it was the worst representation of NY I have ever seen on television.. actually slightly offended by it


I thought I was the only one who was disappointed, I was expecting much more than what was shown. Major fail and it could have been much better. It would have been amazing if the gang from "New Girl" clashed with the squad from "Brooklyn Nine-Nine", instead of them just having chance meetings.
