Why did they even start the season?
Why did they even start the season when obviously the World Series and election stuff would make huge gaps between episodes? Just wait until it's over. Doesn't make sense.
shareWhy did they even start the season when obviously the World Series and election stuff would make huge gaps between episodes? Just wait until it's over. Doesn't make sense.
shareThe scheduling of network TV never makes much sense. I actually didn't mind the hiatus so much this time around. I'm not even a baseball fan but those last World Series games were amazing. Can't really avoid the election day coverage either, but at least there will be about 4 weeks of uninterrupted episodes afterwards.
sharecause networks like to have huge hiatuses, change times, be extremely inconsistent etc then wonder why ratings are dropping and everyone just either waits for netflix or records to watch it all at once w/o commercials