Season 5

I actually think that the show really picked up in Season 5. The episode about Schmidt's bachelor party and the fight in the desert was one of the funniest of the whole series. But, it seems like season 6 has been a complete let down. The storylines need to focus more on the guys and less on what is going on with Jess. They make her story the main part of the episode and then make the guys fit around her which is upsetting because they clearly carry this show. Hopefully they can try to turn around the second half of the season.


I think the show started to pick up again when Jess left for jury duty and it was just the guys and Cece carrying the show. I think taking Jess out for a few episodes to "reset" the show was a good idea and I think the rest of the cast could have carried the show by themselves without having anyone fill in the spot for Jess until she came back.

Reagan might have been a good character to add, but Nick/Reagan probably wasn't the best idea. What could have been a bold, refreshing female voice on the show was reduced to just another love interest and they just went for a cliche love triangle in S6 which was poorly executed. They pretty much had to stall their A-story for half a season because Megan Fox wasn't available but now that she's back, things are starting to pick up again. Last two episodes were really strong and the writing is a lot tighter now than the first half of the season so I'm hopeful they can still finish strong as they have done in past seasons despite the weak start.

I think Jess is still a necessary part of the show, but they definitely need to give the other characters more of a chance to share the A-story and not make her romantic life the main focus of the majority of the episodes. That's why "James Wonder" gets my vote for best episode of S6 so far and all the other strong episodes have been mostly ensemble episodes: House Hunt, Jaipur Aviv, Raisin's Back, Cubicle.
