Jess & Robby!

How could you not think these two awkward geeks aren't cute together?


I like Jess. I like Robby. But not a fan of them together. They're too similar; it's the contrast in personalities that makes relationships interesting to watch. It also feels too much like Jess/Genzlinger in S1.

Robby deserves better than Jess anyway. I don't want to watch Robby be her second-string guy because she's still in love with Nick.


I like Jess. I like Robby. But not a fan of them together. They're too similar


Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.




She was down right abusive to Robby. While l did lmao when the weight sandwiched them together, Jess was rude. Schmidt was spot on the whole time, though. Robby was so nice and agreeable.


I like them together too.


Robby feels terribly forced and unfunny of a "nerdy" character.


They're cute together but I hope Robbie stays as a recurring character after they break up.

Dark Stefan, may I have this dance?


But also Robby & Cece dated? It's such a random icky filler for possibly Jess & Nick finally getting together again :/


But also Robby & Cece dated? It's such a random icky filler for possibly Jess & Nick finally getting together again :/


I don't know. Brother, sister vibe there.

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.


In hindsight when I consider them I now wonder - "Are these two relatives somehow?"



I don't mind them together at all, but you'd never know they were actually a couple by their scenes together. They act like friends, not like they're dating. Almost no physical contact. It's starting to get weird.


Spoiler alert: The chatter online is that they will address this in Episode 14 "The Hike" and then Jess/Robby will break up. Some people were joking that the reason they break up is because Jess/Robby are actually related, possibly distant cousins, but I'm not sure the NG writers will go full soap-opera on them like that. The show isn't coming back from introducing possible incest. It's not the good kind of unexpected.

I do agree that their whole relationship is bizarre. Definitely just felt like filler because they were afraid of letting Jess be alone in S6. I think she needed to be alone for a while and get her head on straight though. Geez, girl seems like she needs an intervention if she ever thought this Robby thing was a good idea. I think this relationship actually damaged Jess's credibility as a romantic protagonist the audience could root for. I know people were already hating on Jess prior to this so this just adds fuel to the fire.


Don't forget, everyone was actually encouraging her to date Robbie. She had more reservations than anyone about the relationship.

"Two gin and Frescas"
"Shaken, not ridiculed"


I don't think that really came across on screen though. The thing people would probably take away most was that she kind of waffled about her feelings for him, decided to give him a chance anyway, and then it was really boring for all the episodes focused on their relationship. Not enough chemistry to sell the arc and Robby isn't able to carry the A-story like this. I think the audience is just tired of watching yet another version of Jess's failed dating life. The show needs new stories.


I think they had a moment or two here and there when they were cute together but I agree that there really is not any chemistry between them. At least, the writers aren't writing any chemistry. As a couple they haven't been given much to work with. Robbie is a funny character and he's had some good lines, but he's not 'lead female character's boyfriend' material, if that makes any sense, lol. And I didn't buy him and Cece as a couple for one second.

"Two gin and Frescas"
"Shaken, not ridiculed"


Strangely, he has the most chemistry with Schmidt. There is a reason he's best friend #2. (Sorry, Winston.)


Lol that's true, but I think Schmidt would have chemistry with a toaster. Max Greenfield is that good.

"Two gin and Frescas"
"Shaken, not ridiculed"


And, wouldn't you know it, they are related!!! Albeit, third cousins, but they definitely went down that road.

I think it's just a plot device for Jess and Nick to ultimately wind up together. That's probably the endgame, as predictable as it may seem.


I'm mostly surprised by how outraged people weren't after the episode aired. Guess no one cared how they got rid of Jess/Robby as long as it happened. Either that or people hate Jess enough now to let something like that slide. Really unbelievable. She is supposed to get back together with Nick, right? I don't know how you sell a romantic reunion off that. She was completely traumatized by her relationship with Robby so she's ready for Nick now, I guess? Nick looks pretty good compared to that hot mess.


Yeah, they haven't explored the romanticism much. Robby has mostly been used as a gag or plot device like how he knew Darlene Love from his yoga class or that he wrote a song commemorating Ceces new office.

I felt I was going to loathe their relationship after the scene when Robby gets up out of the wheelchair to defend Jess and spends the next dozen lines talking about how great she is. That was one of the most contrived, cringe-inducing cheese scenes I've witnessed on television. But the actual relationship has been so muted I'm ambivalent about it.


Waste of time in S6 that could have been better spent on any of the other characters. The relationship was so dull to watch. I even buy Nick/Reagan more than Jess/Robby and I've commented before on how I found that illogical.

At least we're past this awkward Jess/Robby thing so we can focus on other things in the show though. It's a real shame they took this path. I liked Robby, but knowing the writers, they'll probably find another way to shoehorn him in if they get an S7.


I did like that moment with Nick at the end of the episode though. It felt oddly real, like something I've experienced before with people I'm attracted to.

We all know those relationships in our lives where you're kind of perfectly complemented by this other person. The Jess/Robby thing was exhausting to watch.


I already thought they complemented each other back in S1/S2 and their breakup was always kind of dumb, but if you don't think too hard about the fact that Nick and Jess have been apart 2-3 years at this point, Jake Johnson and Zooey Deschanel sold the moment. I just want them to actually start acting together again. The writers got really scared about putting Nick and Jess together at all after S3, which is a real shame since they lost the ability to effectively use the dynamic between the actors in the show and that really changed the tone of the show.


I can't stand Robby, I hope he dies.


Can't stand him either. He's too unfunny, boring and somewhat depressing.

Jess and Robby are too alike and in that there's just nothing that happens out of surprise.
