MovieChat Forums > New Girl (2011) Discussion > Reagan has more chemistry with

Reagan has more chemistry with

Winston. Her and Nick seem like they should be friends.

Not saying she should be dating Winston, but they make a better team.


Reagan has more chemistry with everyone else, other than Nick. That has to be intentional, right? I can't believe the people who were involved with "Cooler" think Nick/Reagan have anything resembling chemistry at all. It would make more sense for her to date Jess at this point. Reagan/Jess have surprisingly good chemistry.


LMAO! Bull!


Nick seems almost uncomfortable around her, like he can't relax. Reagan shouldn't be dating any of them really.


You think that's intentional or the actor that plays Nick really being uncomfortable in scenes with her because even he can feel the lack of chemistry?


Seriously? Lol, now you're being ridiculous. Nick and Jess are DONE, even the Talk was cut short, because they realized how pointless it was to try to understand their fling, and why it ended.


Disagree. Even if you hate Nick/Jess together, you have to see how the narrative arc is building. The scene in "Cubicle" wasn't a closure scene; it was a "dealing with the breakup" and "unresolved feelings" scene. The writers are coming in two seasons too late with it so that's why you can read it both ways, but the parallels to "Cooler" are pretty clear to me.

I predict Nick/Jess will share a significant scene in at least every episode from this point until the end of the season. The writers opened the door again so they have to write in a payoff now. I believe the one true thing the writers have been saying this season is that Reagan is the catalyst for Nick and Jess. Like it or hate it, the writing is on the wall for that.


That's such a pile of bull. Get a life. Sorry, but you're starting to sound like a fangirl. No matter how many proofs the show give, you still hold on to your delusions. It's not fun arguing with people like that.


I'm not sure exactly why you're attacking me. Maybe take a deep breath and just relax? It's television; it's fiction. Take the intensity down about 10 notches.

I am a Nick/Jess fan, but I find people who attack people for being "fanboys" and "fangirls" just don't have very good comebacks. There isn't just one way to enjoy a show. We are all fans of the show, no? Or at least interested enough to come to a message board to discuss it.

Not a's a pretty standard sitcom narrative. Maybe you just don't watch enough TV shows or movies to see it?

I don't actually want to fight with you. I'm like anybody else on IMDb; I just like talking about the show. If the only thing you have to offer is mild profanity and the argument that I'm a "fangirl" that's no fun for me. You really haven't given me a concrete reason to convince me that a Nick/Jess reunion isn't where the show is going. The only reason you have given is that you dislike Nick/Jess, which is fine to do, but you haven't really provided any predictions of where else the show would go if they didn't go there, just that you don't want it to happen.


I don't need good comebacks, when you're ridiculing yourself, on your own. With your stupid Jess and Nick obsession. It's like those people who never stop talking and finding solutions to prevent old events. At one point, it's time to let go and move on. Hopefully the writers will do it for you, when Nick leaves with Reagan or Jess will marry someone else.


Nick and Jess are endgame.

"Two gin and Frescas"
"Shaken, not ridiculed"


If the series finale is written by a loser fangirl, yeah. Thankfully, the writers have a brain.


I will be the first one to admit I was wrong if they don't end up together.

"Two gin and Frescas"
"Shaken, not ridiculed"


That's refreshing ; )


I would be surprised if Jess and Nick didn't end up together. I just hope when it happens it's at the end of the show (like the last episode). But they are Ross and Rachel of this show. It's pretty standard sitcom stuff so I am even more surprised that you would get your panties in such a bunch over the suggestion. I have a tip for you:'ll live longer.


If they don't end up together, I think the last scene should still end with them. I know a lot of people don't like them together as a couple but the arc would still feel unfinished to me if it doesn't come back to them at the end. People seem to forget how central their relationship was to the show in S1/S2, going all the way back to the pilot.

I still don't get why everyone blames their entire relationship for all the problems of the show when it's really the writers that need to step it up and find a way to make their relationship work the way they did in S1/S2. The show feels entirely different post-S3 because they pretty much erased Nick and Jess's entire relationship, barely acknowledged it or even let their characters share scenes together. It's still funny, but I would argue it's a lesser show because it seemed like the writers became afraid of tackling any "heavy" material and just wanted to revert it to being a standard sitcom. It's still a pleasant way to spend a Tuesday night, but not terribly memorable now.


Yes. Of course they are, anyone can see that's where the writers are heading this season.


Why you so angry?


Because it's my own business.


I was so confused by how they were acting. I didn't think they were making it a build up to a break up, but maybe you're right. I love her on the show though.


I think there is supposed to be a Nick/Reagan and Jess/Robby parallel here so they are both going to have to break up with these "incompatible" people eventually. They definitely need to build Nick/Jess back up though because Nick/Reagan still feel pretty solid at the moment. They always seem to resolve their conflicts so I can see how people would argue that that relationship is healthier for Nick to be in and he would be backsliding by choosing Jess.

I still like Nick/Jess together though; I just don't feel Nick and Reagan have any chemistry. I wish they just kept Reagan as a character but didn't make her Nick's girlfriend.


I'm not sure. It could be either. It's hard to tell. What do you think?


I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and say the lack of chemistry is intentional so they can sell a Nick/Jess reunion, but I'm not sure. Nick/Reagan is painful to watch and I'm not just saying that as a Nick/Jess fan because I liked most of Nick's girlfriends. Just no chemistry between Nick and Reagan at all and I think it's very smart of the writers to keep inserting a 3rd party for both of them to bounce off of and minimize any alone time they share with each other.

Their lack of chemistry is only rivaled by Jess and Robby's lack of chemistry. Yikes. There is a reason they haven't shown them being physically intimate that often. I think they might eventually address that in one of the episodes. I can't imagine Jess ending up with Robby at the end of the show. That's a happy ending for neither of them.


Yeah Jess and Robbie seem to have no affection for each other at all.


Jess has no chemistry with anyone anymore. I'm starting to wonder, if she still has a place in the show.


She fits in great with the rest of the gang.

Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.
