honestly let jess die alone and nick endgame with reagan
I don't like Jess and nick anymore since Reagan has come back and I give the show some credit that they aren't gonna kill nick and Reagan off screen, since this season open up looking like they would.
Honestly Jess never learns or changes or become a better person. And nick used to be the same till they brought out the writer character trait they forgot about in season two and made him serious or at least care enough to write something.
now Jess is yet again hamfisted into our heads that she is better for nick by making her the source of nick answers and Reagan now super hopeless without her. like F#@K me and just kill Reagan in a car crash and it would be more accepting then just dumbing her down to let Jess shine.
it's just sad that the show knows they have to dumb down Reagan and to make Jess a "nick whisperer" now just to make Nick and Jess make more sense.