MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > "Citizen Kane", "Casablanca", "Lawrence ...

"Citizen Kane", "Casablanca", "Lawrence of Arabia", and other cinematic classics...

... are all fatally flawed by the lack of fighting rhinoceroses wearing plate armor!!!

All films should have fighting rhinos wearing plate armor, Charles Foster Kane should have one romping through the cavernous living room of Xanadu. That'd have livened things up!




Right, can you imagine Lawrence charging on a Rhino into battle instead of a camel? Huge miss from Lean, but then again he was no Coogler. His compositions weren't as riveting as Cooglers incredibly phony...I mean real green screen backdrops.

Black Panther will continue to amaze with its complex characters and riveting dialogue and of course the best use of armour plated rhinos in cinema history.


Lawrence would have looked AWESOME on a rhino wearing plate armor! And imagine if a herd of rhinos wearing plate armor had charged over the Bridge on the River Kwai!

Every single movie ever made would be improved by the presence of armored fighting rhinos.


Agreed, the only thing that comes close is the buffalo stampede in Glen or Glenda. Granted, it was no plate armoured rhinos, but given the limitations of the time it was quite impressive.


*Becomes enraged to the verge of laughter at the thought of Black Panther simply being mentioned in the same breathe as these mighty adored UNTOUCHABLE classics and puts on film nerd - and possibly black & white - glasses ready to rage*
Just laying out the expected reactions by some.

Anyway, you.... are right! Don’t care what superior taste in films one has, the rhino bit was beyond epic! But regardless of what fantasy aspects films like Black Panther show, great filmmaking is great filmmaking. And damn, Black Panther has a lot of things that make it standout in the long history of cinema (Marvel ftw!). Gorgeous and ass kicking film.


Right, it has a lot of things. ALL BLACK CAST...and IT HAD AN ALL BLACK CAST...and...RHINOS!!!


Just watched Batman v Superman yesterday and its superior to Black Panther.


Black Panther would have benefited if both Killmongers and Black Panthers moms name was Marhta.


Oh i am not at this part yet iin the movie, thanks for spoiling though.


You watched it yesterday and aren't at this part yet? You're surely streching this thing out, huh?


Can´t stand it in one sitting to be honest.
But Batman stole the cryptonite and trained like hell yesterday so shit is about to go down.


The awesomeness of BvS is best consumed in small increments.


Are you german by the way. Your name indicates it.




lol how are the kangoroos doing.


Gr8, m8! Let's put another shrimp on the barbie!


Ha du trollst doch.


Und wo kommst du her?


Germany! But i´ve been to Austria for skiing and eating Kaiser Schmarrn.


Ha, awesome! Und schwarzer Panther saugt. I leave it at that! ;)


Thanks for the laugh, pal. No, seriously.


But hey, to each his own. XD


Just saw the car chase scene yesterday where Batman hunts down the cryptonite truck and its following.
Hands down, better action than in the entire Black Panther movie.


I have to disagree, "Black Panther" had an absolutely awesome car chase, and "BvS" had nothing awesome.

I realize that film preferences are totally subjective, but to support my assertion that "BP" had the better car chase, I have to point out that "BvS"'s chase completely lacked a badass chick in a flowing red gown perched on a speeding car with a spear in her hand. A torpedo-spear, even!


'Low-Rents Of Arabia'
