79.8% drop

Not even the much loathed and trolled JL experienced that big of a drop on a Monday.

the dropening continues...




Whoa...I didn't know it dropped that much. That IS bad !


Now that you've mentioned JL, its first Monday was smaller than what the BP earned yesterday :) 7.5M vs 8.1M

Needless to say JL's 2nd Monday was 2.1M. Since you like percentages so much that's 26% of BP's 2nd Monday. Which means BP earned almost four times more than JL ;)


And BP is only $800,000 away from beating Wonder Woman’s total domestic... in 11 days!

WW’s second Monday drop was 67%, down to only $6-million.

Why do BP and WW have such large percentage drops? Because their weekends were so overwhelmingly good that settling in to normal weekday numbers will be huge. It’s no surprise that this would happen.

By contrast, JL only had nine days, in its entire run, where it surpassed $8-million!

So there is nothing unusual about this, at all! When the bar is set as high as BP set it, any return to routine will look huge... even though taking in $8-million on a non-holiday Monday is nothing to sneeze at!



Yep. I predicted it'll earn around 750 million so I think I may be on the dot once this has cooled into finalization stage. I remember someone posting about it reaching 1 billion easily which I scoffed at since I was already seeing the dying down phase already happening on the 2nd week. Now it's really dying down.



Not total, around 750 million. I am thinking at most 810 million at most but we'll see as the days go by.



At first I thought you were trolling. Now I see you really believe in your prediction. I'm pretty sure you will be wrong, but that's OK at least you will be near and some of your arguments are plausible. But the kinds of Rorikon, Bubatheidiot, Queenie and other are just trolling and ignoring facts to sound as imbeciles. 750 million total, give it or take? Really? if the movie drops 50% this next weekend will have 50+ million just in domestic. Take that 750+ by the end of the week plus the weekend of 50 that's 800 million without the overseas numbers. And they talk of 750-810 total. Stupid.

Oh, ant the drop! "Justice league didn't drop that bad". Damn! Justice League couldn't drop more, that crap couldn't go any lower. The only way JL could drop more was if it returned to its origin point.

Oh, but you also seem to ignore facts and use out of the context data to support your predictions, which is a bad as trolling, because it is telling lies:

[–] landofree (2506) 13 hours ago

Today's numbers are in and it's a 79.8% drop compared to the prior Monday...NO other Marvel film ever dropped like that.

Ha,ha,ha... What a stupid comment. So, answer this, if you dare: Which other Marvel film ever has a first Monday as high as the one Black Panther had? Be brave and post here what is the highest amount of money made in its first Monday by a Marvel Film not called Black Panther...


[–] landofree (2652) 13 days ago

It'll break 750 Million in about a week. I'm still holding firm on Worldwide total of 9.25 hundred million to 9.75 hundred million.
reply share


Oh No ....Lando forgot to change this Reply....

he spent so much time going back and changing the title and all his replies in his thread, must have just forgot about this....

has it hit anyone else that We Witnessed ONE OF THE GREATEST TROLLING FAILS ALL TIME 2 days ago by Lando...

lol think about this ...Lando failed so badly the Moderators had to step in...ONLY not only did they step in...they also Joined in and Publicly humiliated Lando as well...I never seen this happen before in 8 years on Forums

The Moderators didnt just delete Landos troll thread...They first Posted his Original thread, posted his Original comments and left it there for all to see before deleting it...

we trolling got to witness and participate in ONE OF THE ALL TIME Great trolling fails ever....


[–] landofree (2652) 13 days ago
It'll break 750 Million in about a week. I'm still holding firm on Worldwide total of 9.25 hundred million to 9.75 hundred million.
Yep! That looks about right for an amateur troller.


for heaven's sake, it's already grossed $728m worldwide.
there is no way you are 'on the dot.'
it just had one of the largest 2nd weekends of all time.
i am not invested in the success of this movie, and i'm certainly not attacking you personally.
but your post is bloody wrong. wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. wrongity wrong.


By dot I mean around the 750 million part give or take. I never set a end profit yet.


Since you made the same claim in another thread, permit me to reiterate here what I said to you there:

Black Panther had already made $728 million as of Monday night, at which point it had not even opened yet in Japan or China, and had only been in a small number of IMAX cinemas in Russia. Do you honestly believe it will make only another $22 to $82 million in the rest of its theatrical run? It will make $22 million before the weekend even gets here.

There is zero chance that Black Panther's worldwide gross will be less than $810 million. You can give or take it all you want, it's going to make more than $810 million.


Before this weekend I felt under 1 billion was in play, but at this point there is no way it makes less than a billion.


To put things in to perspective, here is the second Monday box office for all 32 movies to reach $1-billion:

Rogue One - 32.0*
Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 31.0*
Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 27.5*
Avatar - 19.0*
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - 15.5
Jurassic World - 11.5
Finding Dori - 10.2
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - 10.1
The Dark Knight -10.0
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - 10.0*
Toy Story 3 - 8.9
The Dark Knight Rises - 8.2
The Avengers - 7.9
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - 7.9
Titanic - 7.9
Beauty and the Beast - 7.0
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - 6.9
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 - 6.5
Jurassic Park - 6.5
Alice in Wonderland - 6.0
Transformers: Dark of the Moon - 5.9
The Avengers: Age of Ultron - 5.4
Minions - 5.8
Transformers: Age of Extiction - 4.8
Captain America: Civil War - 4.7
Iron Man 3 - 4.6
Zootopia - 4.6
Despicable Me 3 - 4.4
Skyfall - 4.0
Furious 7 - 3.7
The Fate of the Furious - 2.5
Frozen - 2.5

Black Panther would place 13th on that list.

Items of interest:
-All of the top four films had a second Monday that fell on the week of Christmas Day (all films to have their second Monday fall in that week are indicated with the "*").
-The "Star Wars" franchise, for good or for ill, really is a license to print money.
-Black Panther is the only film on that list to open in February, almost all others are July and December, with a few in May and November.
-Black Panther's second Monday box office take beat 20 other films that all went on to earn $1-billion.

Does any of this guarantee that Black Panther will make it to $1-billion? Absolutely not. But it does temper the claim that this is some kind of precipitous drop that is a warning of things to come. In actuality, it's par for the course and Black Panther still out-earned 2/3's of the all-time $1-billion earners.

A few other films in the genre:
Wonder Woman - 6.2
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - 3.2
Justice League - 2.1


"Star Wars is a licence to print money."

Not so sure that will be true anymore. I'm very skeptical of how this Solo film will do...it has a good chance of actually LOSING money...not printing it.


Keep in mind that last Monday was a national holiday, so you'd expect a massive drop. People were at work and in school today. Comparing the two is like comparing a Monday to a Sunday.


Lol why do you care so much about a drop? The movie has already made 750 million+ and is on its way to 1 billion. This drop doesn’t make the movie any less successful than it already is. You are really reaching for a reason to downgrade this film.


I don't care really, I just like to point out the facts. An 80% drop is massive for a blockbuster movie.


the dropening continues...

What? Could your IQ drop any further? I thought that wasn't possible. IQ's do not drop like that, unless you are sick. If so, I am so sorry...


Only weekly drops matters. Obviously there are many factors which affect a single day or even some weekends, which is why fx Jumanji II had such a small opening and a bigger second and third weekend; it means very little. BP had a first monday bank holiday which is a huge advantage, because it made the extra money when it had the biggest days. Until now, the mondays were weak, but the tuesdays were all strong. However, saturdays were extremely strong in all four weekends, which is what really matters - that the days which makes the most money have the strongest BO.
Look at that graph - the light cyan shows the difference between BP and the Avengers. When it is above the baseline, it is more money to BP, when it is under, it's less. Now it should be obvious that the above-line graph are much bigger than the below-line graphs, because they include all saturdays.
Today, 25th day, it will make a lot less than Avengers did on the 25th day, but because it's the 4th monday, it will not have a dramatic effect on the cumulative BO, while the first monday bank holiday for BP had a dramatic positive effect, as it made 4x the boxoffice that day compared to avengers monday bank holiday on the fourth monday. It may lose up to 8 million of the advantage, but it is 48 million ahead, so it doesn't matter much.
edit: graph updated, because it has now increased relative to Avengers despite the big 25th day the Avengers had. It is now 52 million ahead on the same day of release after 5th weekend.
