


Now explain WHY you are guessing that Black Panther won't make it's money back. Come on tell us. You're smart enough to type so you're also smart enough to offer some Landofree knowledge.

I know you can do it. Try 50 words or less.



He never said it was going to do good. He never said anything about how it would do. He simply pointed out you trolled with nothing to back up your point. so....answer his question. Why don't you think it will make it's money back?



Help us out here. In order for anyone to make a prediction we need to know what is Black Panther's money?

Since you are setting the bar or criteria of BP's money we need to know that. It would also be quite courteous of you to explain why you don't think BP will make it's money back. If that is your definition of "its". I'm assuming you mean BP's production budget.

Sharing is caring. So please share. Please?



My take is that Black Panther will gross at minimum $650 Million WW. BP will open with $130 Million domestic and has no other Tent-pole openings that it will have to compete against. BP will perform like a Marvel branded movie at worst and I will suggest that the production budget will be $150 to $175 Million. The formula that I like to use for a film's return is 2.2 to 2.5 times the production budget based on domestic % return and international % return on the US dollar. For the high end of the production budget that means that approximately $450 Million of revenue will cover P/A the rest is returned to Marvel/Disney or about $200 Million in profit conservatively.

BP will have very good word of mouth Domestically and I expect BP will bring in $300 Million domestic. Internationally I don't expect BP will be strong in China but I do think it will do $350 Million as a minimum in total WW with BP being very strong in Brazil, South America and the UK. I also expect BP to be stronger in India and Africa than any other film ever from Marvel. Those amounts will not offset the drop off in China where BP will be ~$80 Million. $270 Million for BP internationally without China is guaranteed.

Doctor Strange did $232 Domestic and $445 International for $677 Million against $165 Production budget. Using the 2.5x would mean $420 to cover cost for a net of $ ~$250 Million.

Sorry for being verbose.


wow, good answer dude



No I didn't forget the split, remember when I said 2.2 to 2.5 as a multiplier? I didn't say subtract the production budget from the gross. For every dollar brought in 50% goes to the theater thus you get the 2x dollars. Most advertising costs is about 50% of the production budget or more which is about $100 Million for BP.

I didn't say that Africa would have numbers commiserate with China. I said that BP will do better than any other Marvel film.

But YOU provided no numbers. You just say it won't make back it's money. You honestly expect BP to only gross about $350 Million WW? The breakeven point for you then is roughly $450 Million WW. That number means BP won't make back "its money". Fair?


Hey, I thought the one with the tree and the raccoon would flop....and the one with the shrinking guy....and the one with Sherlock as a magician....so I have no idea how this one will do.


I'm guessing it will make more money than JL.


Twisted, I agree that BP will make more than JL guaranteed. Even if JL and BP gross the exact same dollars JL's Production and Advertising costs are more than double for BP. There is no way that BP is in the $300 Million production cost range of JL. JL had roughly a 100 million dollars in re-shoots to get that Moustache wrong alone. Just kidding. JL's WW gross will make it one of the highest WW Boxoffice grosses that were bombs.

Plus Black Panther will increase the IP value for Marvel/Disney and the MCU. JL absolutely has diminished the IP for Warner/DC and the probably soon to be rebooted DCEU or DCCU or whatever it is called. Studio suits have lost jobs and or been reassigned because of JL's poor performance.

I think BP will far exceed those who predict a conservative number ($650 WW) and I know full well that a Black led casted movie has never been a Box Office powerhouse. For me Fast and the Furious has a pretty ethnically diverse cast but cars are an easily accessible story element globally.

The Marvel brand is strong and will support or prop up BP globally. Marvel has a strong and ever expanding and loyal fan base who are becoming more attached to the MCU. Warner/DC has more iconic heroes but Marvel/Disney is the up and coming juggernaut. Plus the Disney marketing machine is an edge and Feige has been given a blank check for his projects.


It will do fine. I'm very curious about the movie. I think the dude did an excellent job as T'Challa in CW [he was my favorite in that movie].


But what about WW?


where is lando and twisty?


I am looking forward to seeing it. People will say what they will (like they did about Ant-man and Doctor Strange), yet at the end of the day, I have faith in Marvel to tell a good story, just like they always do. I'll say to makes $700 million easily. Should be a fun time at the movies!


I am thinking at least $1.1b.


[–] Bubbathegut (3069) 2 months ago
I am thinking at least $1.1b.
I bet you forgot that you made that post!!


I think I did! lol


You're the retard that claims the Last Jedi flopped. Only $1.3 billion.

Will Black Panther match that? It will certainly be #1 in Africa.



Reality of how a movie studio makes it money back is all based on the dollars the studio gets from the theaters showing it. The average ticket price in Africa which varies from a high in South Africa of just over $8 to under $2.50 in places like Nigeria. Making it even more problematic is the fact that in many countries the US studios don't get the same big percent of the box office gross that they do in the US. US theaters will often give the studio 70% of the gross for the first few weeks. Rarely does the studios cut approach that lofty level in African countries... But suppose it did... Even if you assumed an average $4 ticket price in all of Africa (which is on the high side of reality) the studios would only be getting $2.80 per ticket... When the average ticket price in the US is closer to $8.50 the studio is making almost $6 a head in the US vs under $3 in Africa so even if you got massive turnout in Africa it isn't going to move the studios needle very much. Then you have to look at the real big markets like China... Black movies don't do well there as the Chinese are openly racists.

Reality is this movie is unlikely to do well because no matter how much liberals in Hollywood want to try and cram diversity down the throats of the public, the public can't be forced to buy a ticket. I expect this movie to fizzle quickly. Pre-Obama it might have had a chance but two terms of Obama stoking the racial animosity is going to make it very hard to sell movies that cater to 13% of the total US population.



When the average ticket price in the US is closer to $8.50 the studio is making almost $6 a head in the US vs under $3 in Africa so even if you got massive turnout in Africa it isn't going to move the studios needle very much. Then you have to look at the real big markets like China... Black movies don't do well there as the Chinese are openly racists.

Reality is this movie is unlikely to do well because no matter how much liberals in Hollywood want to try and cram diversity down the throats of the public, the public can't be forced to buy a ticket. I expect this movie to fizzle quickly. Pre-Obama it might have had a chance but two terms of Obama stoking the racial animosity is going to make it very hard to sell movies that cater to 13% of the total US population.
It was refreshing to see that BP didn't need China to be successful which is the way the Box Office used to be. Some studios are castigated for relying on the China audience by allegedly pandering to China's every whim and appeasing an idiosyncratic relationship to the west. I have no problem with crafting a product for what the audience wants to see but don't bend so far that the story is completely warped just to reap dollars.

It was also refreshing to see BP overcome this so-called liberalism being forced down people's collective throats. If the audience and the marketplace is responding to the movie it appears that the marketplace likes what it is seeing. No one is forcing anyone to go to a movie and enjoy it. The perceived threat of liberalism and fear of change will still be there but it is still refreshing to see that this liberalism fear is/was misplaced with this movie.


LOL uh huh. What were you saying again? Sorry I need it repeated, I can't hear you over all the laughter.


Total Lifetime Grosses
Domestic: $75,808,000 61.7%
+ Foreign: $47,000,000 38.3%
= Worldwide: $122,808,000
Domestic Summary
Opening Weekend: n/a
(4,020 theaters)
> View All Weekends
Widest Release: 4,020 theaters
In Release: 1 days / 0.1 weeks


The OP is eating a lot of crow today , predicted it wouldn't cross a Billion , hahahahaha you suck at this game


Wow! How did you stumble across this blast from the near-past??!! Yes the OP had been seeking attention and not conversation for quite awhile.

Lots of interesting and controversial comments (as usual for so-called Black movies) in this thread. I wonder if landofree will try and edit his comments here too? :-)


Probably, usually cant keep his mouth shut, awfully quiet the last few days, perhaps hes still eating crow


That will be no problem. I also saved this thread, so if he deletes or changes anything, I have the proof of its real content...

Box office predictions?
posted 2 months ago by landofree (2652)
31 replies | jump to latest

I'm guessing it won't make its money back.


I love how the moderator of this site exposed him in his not getting one billion thread... What a humiliation... You can still see the thread deleted in the second page...



Great prediction anyway, ha, ha, ha...


Why did you guys have to chase off Lando? He was great and will be missed.





