*beep* ninja

In the movie and real life. That piece of *beep* has no right whatsoever to feel "superior". Hugh jackman should have *beep* him another *beep*


Thank you for that intelligent, well-though-out analysis. Very refreshing. Always good to pepper a short, sentence-long post with three *beeps* too; it really reinforces your relevance and maturity.

I very much look forward to your next post, and I hope it is brimming with as much insight as this one.

(P.S. Can you please tell me which cuss word the middle *beep* stood in for?)


F-v cked


So. . . you hate Ninja, and the film by association. . . because he didn't have a sex scene with Jackman? I don't see how that would make the movie any better, but to each his own I guess. . .


I'm talking about the real life scenario. Ninja and Jackman didnt get along. I'm saying he should have beat that punk up. This ninja guy would have deserved it. Cant believe you people defend that cünt.



I'm talking about the real life scenario.

You don't know what you're talking about. Do some reading and stop spreading rumors. If you insist on hating the guy at least let him earn it.


This reply made my day. Thanks, DarkestPurity.


Also, what do you want me to elaborate? How else should I express my anger towards a c-list celebrity who sees himself as some kinf of second coming of god. Really? And you defend him? Someone who has no acting talent and is a complete moron when it comes to collaborating with a team? Jesus.

