Chappie Vs Ex machina
I fail to understand why this has a 7.2 rating...If Ex-machina can get an 8 this was certainly a 9!
shareI fail to understand why this has a 7.2 rating...If Ex-machina can get an 8 this was certainly a 9!
shareChappie was poorly written and the acting was borderline average. It sacrifices the substance of it's story for sentimentality, and says very little about the human condition or artificial intelligence that we haven't considered before. It also seems to rip off a lot of storylines, plot points, techniques and styles we've seen before (i.e.: Robocop).
Ex Machina deals entirely with story, characters and plot, fleshing out characters through fine performances. It deals with the idea of artificial intelligences, and humanity with new ideas to consider about both as well as the costs of the growth of technology. And it never goes for cheap action to pacify audiences that need blockbuster explosions to stay awake.
If Ex Machina is an 8, Chappie is really a 4, if that.
Ex-Machina is way better than Chappie in terms of concept... It simply n logically shows the evolvement of consciousness rather than stupid evolution of Chappie...
If one goes just by entertainment value only, than only Chappie can be liked, otherwise if seen from a point of concept of evolution of AI, Ex-Machina wins hands-down....
Yes, I think it is another underrated movie considering all the crap that gets rated higher. And I don't think it was intended to be taken too seriously.
Lower rating could be because it was Extremely similar to their other movie DISTRICT 9 in tone, structure and expecially ending.
Also consider that the A.I. subject matter is nothing unique and he didn't really take it anywhere we haven't seen before. I saw a lot of ROBOCOP meets A.I. meets FRANKENSTEIN and nothing new about any of the themes.
I will saw that he and his old lady seem to have found a formula that works. Would like to see what he could do with a writer that knows the Sci fi subject matter he seems into playing with
--Ju know what a "Hasa" is Frank!?! Dat's a PIG, that don't "FLY STRAIGHT"
Chappie was fun (especially the last half hour) but didn't make sense whatsoever (Consciousness transfer via usb stick?)
Ex Machine was slower,less budget but felt more realistic and thought provoking.
2 totally different movies.
I think you touch on something that is the reason why people take one movie more seriously than the other.
Chappie is more comedic and even fun/satirical in the way that it tackles big life questions. As such, because it is packaged as fun/adolescent-robot/gangsta it is easy to view it with a simple lens. In contrast, the darker tones of Ex-Machina and its slower and more dramatic theme enables one to more easily view it as realistic/thought-provoking.
However, I think what makes Chappie a masterpiece (because it is not what it seems/packaged as) is that it is on the surface, simple and superficial but underneath it all is a very in-depth and thought-provoking movie — but one needs to look for it. It's not handed on a silver platter and it is disguised as fluff when it is actually the opposite. Ex-Machina, in my opinion, is presented as deep and provoking but is not as layered and nuanced. In fact, I would argue underneath its carefully packaged story, it is Ex-Machina that is lacking depth. It is just cleverly disguised by its tone and thematic elements and packaged as more esoteric than it is.
//“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions." ― Oscar Wilde
Exactly! Truer words were never spoken.
shareDamn, even your signature from Mr. Wilde is 100% accurate; because you just wrote down my thoughts exactly. Couldn't have said it better.
Both are OK movies in their own right. But the difference was that I expected a lot from Ex Machina, and was left a bit unfulfilled. While with Chappie, I was waiting for some forgettable action-packed sci-fi fun, but my expectations were pleasantly exceeded.
Agreed 100%, grrolaan.
I rated both films 10 for very different reasons. Alex Garland gets my respect for putting a small budget to great use, and repackaging the old cautionary AI tale in a fresh way. Ex-Machina was dead serious, and I love it for that. Chappie fully embraced it's absurdity through self referencing, and other means that violate "THE LAWS OF FILM", and ended up fun. Neill Blomkamp crafted the most self aware movie about a sentient AI ever made.
Agreed. Ex-Machina (EM) was the same'ol same 'ol -- that is, AI is going to kill you one day not because it dislikes you (it has no feelings) but because its end-goal is the same as its programmed goal: in EM case, to find a way out of the place it was in and do so with anthropomorphic features/traits. Overall, EM dealt with one level of AI (ANI) and then tried to step into the AGI territory but never quite got there. Chappie at least surpassed it by extending to ASI level territory. I found EM to be quite boring overall and I usually like tedious movies with heavy subliminal tones. If the main character had been an AI it would have been more interesting. For me, Chappie at least looked at AI from another perspective, rather than the typical ANI one.
Endnote: read this for a basic understanding of ANI, AGI, ASI which is recommended by Elon Musk:
//“Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions." ― Oscar Wilde
Do you even have any idea what you're blathering about, or are you just cruising on auto pilot? Try to connect your thoughts. . .you keep posting the disjointed ramblings of a madman, and provide no context. . .only generalization, and childish arguments against your fabricated straw man army. I'll give you an emoticon for another epic fail, but that's the best I can do, Sunshine. . .🐸
shareBoth movies were very fascinating because of their vastly different takes on the concept of AI and how they would react in the world. I would say Machina told a fascinating story that focused heavily on the psychological aspects of humanity, but the movie left off in a way that I feel the story is only half-told. Chappie, ignoring the physical impossibility of actually creating consciousness on the limited harddrive of a device like those droids, was a more lighthearted look at the physical aspects of the human condition and while it was an interesting contrast to Ex Machina, the whole gangster presence drove me crazy (I absolutely couldn't stand Ninja and could really only tolerate Yolandi half the time. They helped develop the background behind Chappies susceptibility to a poor education, but I would've preferred it existing in another way.)
Back to the contrast between the two movies:
On one hand, you have Ex Machina, a world where the AI is kept in a cold, calculated, and controlled environment. She is brought into the world through the use of information from a social networking database and is already quite intelligent from the start as she lives in a world where deceit and deception are her only weapons.
On the other hand, Chappie is a very chaotic environment. Where Machina would be a control experiment, Chappie is just the opposite. He's thrown into a war-torn body, surrounded by weapons, drugs, destruction, and abuse. He has no intelligence at birth and is left to learn from the environment around him, which in turn develops a dependence on the individuals that he knows best and gradually adapts to a lifestyle that allows him to relate to humanity.
The interesting thing to take into consideration, given the differences between the two, is that they both theoretically could exist in the same existential space. Who's to say Chappie, a highly sociable entity, wouldn't have developed a disliking of humanity when kept in isolation and who's to say the AI in Machina, when allowed to thrive in a more friendly and sociable environment, wouldn't have developed a more accepting disposition and would've developed skills beyond lies and deceit?
Ex machina is a "hipster" movie
All the "hipster" trend community (self proclaim intelectuals, music gurus, bearded guys, etc) voted so high for ex machina
For me Chappie is better movie than Ex Machina
because ex-machina is the better one of this 2. so many plot holes like not even a security cam in high tech robot building Facility? chappy going selfish to selfles in matter of minutes.