Do! Not! Watch!

I guess everyone needs a paycheck cause that would be the only reason to take a role in this movie. 90 minutes of talking. That's it. Just talking, and you wondering who these girls are. It was mostly Justin Long blabbing and rambling on the whole movie like a candy-ass bitch, and the girls throwing a few words from time-to-time. Dudes don't talk this much.

The only "action" you see is in the actual last minute of the movie. I really don't get how this was even made. I promise you, you'll waste you time.


It was a waste.


Yes, this is actually the greatest example I’ve ever seen of a 10 minute short stretched out to 90 minute talkfest …with a 1 minute payoff that doesn’t come close to justifying the 90 minutes before it.

A very boring journey to a predictable, and underwhelming, ending. Avoid!
