Animal fat and protein is not bad for you. In excess? of course it is. Us as a society eat way too much meat I'll agree, I know people that will eat it for every meals and for snacks too. That is excess, thus causing a higher demand and the use of mistreating animals.
BUT, there is nothing wrong with eating farm raised animals (instead of factory) once a day in a single serving.
I don't mind if you're vegan, but *beep* off trying to preach to us all this propaganda making us think meat and animal products are the devil. If we all switched to vegan 90% of the world would load up on starches and sugars.
"BUT, there is nothing wrong with eating farm raised animals (instead of factory) once a day in a single serving."
Is there enough "farm raised" animals in the US to feed 300 million people one serving a day if everyone did as you suggested? No way there is; there's no way to just replace the consumption of farm raised animals vs. factory. Every chicken wing place would go out of business, I can order a dozen wings for $10, so that's 6 dead chickens in one meal.
It's also not just about the health of eating meat; it's about the morals of killing animals when you don't actually need to kill them to survive.
Do you know how many farms went under since mass corporations took over? If we didn't eat as much meat and actually ate farm raised local animals the corporations would fall and more and more farms would open and thrive.
God forbid your fatass can't sit and order a dozen wings anymore, and morals mean nothing. It's nature to kill and eat the animals, do you think a *beep* pack of lions gives a *beep* when they tear apart an animal?
"If we all switched to vegan 90% of the world would load up on starches and sugars."
So? The healthiest, most long-lived cultures on the planet eat diets based on starches and carb-rich vegetables and fruits. They have the lowest incidences of catastrophic diseases. There's only one logical conclusion to draw from this.
As to your other point about our preaching(as though we aren't surrounded by meat-based propaganda EVERYWHERE, LOL!) that " . . . meat and animal products are the devil": If you believe in a benevolent, life-giving Creator and a peaceable Garden at the Beginning, in which the lion lay down with the lamb in harmony, then, well, there is only one theological conclusion to draw from that.
Especially in our society if we ate nothing but starches and sugars, I am talking about loading up on bread.. candy, pasta, etc. Is not healthier than eating meat.
"I am talking about loading up on bread.. candy, pasta, etc. Is not healthier than eating meat. "
Yo-...You're aware that *vegetables* exist, right? And fruits? Pasta, candy and bread are not the only other types of food besides "meat" in the world. Or are you really going to try and make an argument that people would be less healthy eating more fruits vegetables?
Not a vegan, but your argument is ridiculously flimsy.
You have no right to try to force your "morality" on others. We are all raised to know that farm animals are raised as food and there is nothing wrong with that - humans have lived on farm animals for as long as we've existed. If you choose not to eat them that is your right, but you have no business forcing your philosophy on others.
<You have no right to try to force your "morality" on others.>
So, I can kill someone at random? If not, are you not forcing your morality on me? There must always be standards for human behavior, the criteria you use is the issue.
<We are all raised to know that farm animals are raised as food and there is nothing wrong with that.>
I would actually be okay with that if the animals were treated humanely. Most of them are descended from prey animals, and would have been killed by a four legged predator. It's the natural order of things. The issue these days is how the animals are raised, the conditions they must live in. For egg laying chickens for example, a lifetime crammed into a cage with six other chickens, living in darkness, unable to move a wing, beaks seared off so you do not peck the others to death when you go crazy, living in your own filth, eating antibiotic-laced feed to keep you from sickening in your filthy environment, is a new way to raise chickens. It's never been done before. People are just discovering this new reality.
<humans have lived on farm animals for as long as we've existed> A couple of thousand years; before that people were hunter-gatherers. It's why so much of the world is still lactose-intolerant, because we have only been eating and drinking cow milk products for a relatively short time.
<If you choose not to eat them that is your right, but you have no business forcing your philosophy on others.>
Why? Seriously. Because they are nonhuman? It would be illegal to treat a dog or cat that way. If your neighbor kept dogs immobilized for life in a tiny enclosure you would be appalled, but this is how pigs are treated, and they are just as intelligent as a dog. Any farm animal is exempt from humane treatment, from laws of any sort that protect them from what is literally a lifetime of torture and a painful terrorizing death, with billions, yes billions of animals living like this. I guess what is being asked by lots of people is if this is an acceptable tradeoff for cheap eggs, chicken McNuggets and hamburgers.
I find it interesting that no one has responded to this.
Just because we were raised in a way, does not make that way okay.
People during the time of slavery were told slavery was okay.
Now is animal treatment tantamount to slavery? No. But is it okay for us to continue treating animals this way? You're crazy if you think it is.
If you can watch how animals are treated in slaughterhouses, how they live and how we basically abuse them from start to finish and then be okay with that, then I just don't get it.
As for the shaming part, I agree they do try to hammer it home a bit... But then wait, if you eat meat (no I am not directing any of this to the poster above me) then should you not be able to see this, understand it and fully accept the process? Should you not wear how animals are treated on your sleeve?
why are you here on this board? clearly you are not vegan and you have no intention of leading a cruelty free lifestyle. go to a board where they are talking about meat.
Well it's nothing wrong with eating animals, but so many people think that it is a human right to eat meat. It is not. It is a luxury. An extremely tasty luxury. But still a luxury. And believe me, vegetarian and vegan food is extremely tasty. If you cook it right, few things can top it. Fresh vegetables and beans. Fruit.... mmmm. Tasty fruit. And if your body is craving meat every day then you are gonna end up with health issues. So eat good farm raised meat every once in a while. No more industrial crap, and in between just eat vegetarian or vegan. You will do good by yourself and by this planet. I put no moral opinion in the killing part. That is to individual.