So you think Watanabe was a sick monster????????.......well
don't forget what Americans STILL do, waterboarding, other torture. All sick bastards.
sharedon't forget what Americans STILL do, waterboarding, other torture. All sick bastards.
shareGo get yourself waterboarded and then get yourself beaten up the way Watanabe beat up Zamperini. Then give us your opinion.
shareSounds like you have had all that done to you, and it gave you brain damage. Sorry to hear that.
shareAs a US military veteran, except for waterboarding I was subjected to the SAME "stress positions" and sleep deprivation that is inflicted upon captured terrorists in enhanced interrogation, used in my training to SIMULATE REAL torture. Other service members in more intense combat specialties than mine do get waterboarded. So if I suffered brain damage from that, I did it in the service of my country.
As for the kind of of torture that Watanabe inflicted, I didn't suffer that, but I was born in the Philippines a few years after World War II and grew up around quite a few people, including relatives, who did. There's no comparison. So GFY!
How about Abu Ghraib? Was that "BETTER" torture?!??!
Point is, Watanabe was sick, true........and there are sick bastards in the USA also.
Eleven US service members were court-martialed and convicted for crimes at Abu Ghraib. Name me one other country that ever charged, let alone convicted, any of its service members for committing torture.
shareSo the Americans committed horrible torture? You admit that? Do you? So they were like Watanabe? ...........try and follow.
shareI stated that what the US does to captured terrorists as enhanced interrogation is what they subject to certain of our own combat troops, as SIMULATED torture as part of their training to resist real torture. Those small handful of servicemembers who exceeded those limits were properly punished, and it's NOTHING compared to what the Japanese like Watanabe subjected to his prisoners and those I grew up around back in the Philippines.
As for what other country has prosecuted its own troops for alleged torture:
If you're an American, one of these so-called "torturers" may save your life someday. And then again, maybe one of them won't.
If you're from any other country, you're on your own when the Jihadists come for your head. Either way, you're not worth a drop of American blood.
I'm done here wasting my time with a polemic a$$hole who wouldn't know the truth if it chewed his head off. GFY!
Typical fkn ignorant stupid American. Your country did and does its share of torture. Shut the *beep* up.
shareYou know they wouldn't have been punished at all if the pictures were never released. Besides, last time I checked they were enlisted men and women and not the officers who had to know what was going on.
shareWell, nobody was born a monster, something turns you into one. What I could not understand was why Loui opposed Watanabe so bad. It doesn't helped him anyway, he just got beaten again and again. No revolution or whatever happened, he just could keep his mouth shut as everyone else, his life would be easier.
And about Watanabe, I'm not discussing the real person, just the character from this movie representingt him. Miyavi made the character less unpleasant but what I think is he tried to be priced, even by an enemy soldier. Every single person in his life is trying to fit and to be priced, by friends, family, comunity, and mostly by his enemies, it means you are someone if they respect you. Zamperini could at least pretend some respect and save himself the stick at his nose.
Poor movie, had some good moments and that's all.
During the war in Iraq that began in March 2003, personnel of the United States Army and the Central Intelligence Agency committed a series of human rights violations against detainees in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.[1] These violations included physical and sexual abuse, torture, rape, sodomy, and murder.[2][3][4][5] The abuses came to light with reports published in late 2003 by Amnesty International and the Associated Press.
I am not condoning what the Japanese or Watanabe did, I already said that. I am saying before you YANKS get all disgusted, remember what you STILL do........60-70 years later.
Only a coward comes into a chat board and tries to make the point that two wrongs make a right and or, shows their petty jealousy by pathetically carping about another's misdeeds to justify their own. It's easy to find scum in any race of people, just look at the Watannabe apologist in this very thread.
shareWhy is that a "coward?"
Only a coward comes on a chat board and calls people cowards for putting thing in perspective. Just because you are too stupid to understand.
Yes, and those the apologize for Watannabe are scum also. Get it?
You start a thread as an apologist, condoning and minimizing Watanabe's actions because others have perpetrated the same type of crime...
Your not putting anything into "perspective", your only sharing your understanding, so no one in this thread or any IMDB discussion, has to "get it", there's nothing worth "getting" in anything you've shared. It's just your opinion and opinions are like *ssholes, we all have them and most of them stink. It's obvious you have a chip on your shoulder regarding Americans, (possibly all "Western" culture) and blame America/the "West", for your unhappiness. That's typified by your bullying comments. You and Watanabe have a lot in common. I wouldn't be proud of that similarity.
He didn't defend Watanabe's actions. He just stated the fact that America has it's share of sickoes. Just like any other nation. Yes, Watanabe was crazy, but dropping two nukes on civilians is pretty crazy too (not to mention other stuff, you can find a lot here
It's not less wrong just because it's "your" nation doing it.
“It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly.”
― Isaac Asimov
waneagony - thank you. That was my point.
You are just proving my point.......inward looking ignorant American. Read my posts carefully (if you have that ability) I was not defending or minimizing Watanabe's action. I was just telling you inward looking ignorant Americans if you are so disgusted (which you should be), you should realize that YOUR soldiers/country are/is STILL doing such stuff. That may give you some perspective on torture and if you support it.
Ok lil Watti, maybe your just a xenophobic bully and bigot... The West is not perfect but remember your aspersions next time you participate in the public stoning of an immodest woman and then justify your behaviour because of someone else's failings...
You sound fairly stupid, as you are missing the point.
Remember Watanabe next time you support torture.
You've proven yourself to be the definition of a troll who hates the West and all it stands for because you'll never have it. Your the smarmy antagonist that thinks freedom is free and who bitterly complains about the errors of the "Yanks" who have enabled him to bathe in his angst. Your apology for one torturer, because there are others, is pathetic.
Fool, I live in Canada. I love western values. You keep proving yourself to be a fool.
Liar. I've read your comments on American Sniper as well. Your a petulant child.
shareYou appear to be too stupid to understand the difference between "western values" and American war mongering. Child.
shareYou don't just appear to be stupid, you prove your a troll with every rant. The yellow steak down your back shines brightly through every deflection and apology for Watanabes behaviour and in your hateful "American Sniper" comments as well. Do you see yourself reflected in Watanabe's actions? I doubt it too, as armchair quarterbacks are always too cowardly to ever actually have the courage to act on their convictions. They confine themselves to starting threads in internet forums, that attempt to demean the actions of others through hateful, smarmy, childish comments. Your pathetic. If you had an ounce of the courage, Louis Zamperini and Chris Kyle had in pounds, you would apologize for your hateful remarks. But you don't. Your unable to express your beliefs, (afraid, again, that they won't stand in their own merit), without trying to tear someone or somewhere, else down in the process... (See "Troll" in the dictionary and see yourself looking back)...
shareDamn, there are so many childish emoticons I can barely read your message. What are you, a 12 year old girl? You seem to have the intellect of a little child.
shareThen maybe you should try to emulate those values, instead of acting like a petulant child...
shareThis camp boss stopped nothing
shareI am sure Japanese do the same but we dont hear about it since they cover it up in there culture is about saving face
As for the kind of of torture that Watanabe inflicted, I didn't suffer that, but I was born in the Philippines a few years after World War II and grew up around quite a few people, including relatives, who did. There's no comparison. So GFY!
Eleven US service members were court-martialed and convicted for crimes at Abu Ghraib. Name me one other country that ever charged, let alone convicted, any of its service members for committing torture
The prisoners in Abu Graib and Guantanamo were not worked- or starved to death, as the Japs did to millions of Asians and POW's. There is no comparison.
He didn't defend Watanabe's actions. He just stated the fact that America has it's share of sickoes. Just like any other nation. Yes, Watanabe was crazy, but dropping two nukes on civilians is pretty crazy too (not to mention other stuff, you can find a lot here
It's not less wrong just because it's "your" nation doing it.
If you hate America and are here then get out, if you hate America and are not here then don't come, simple. Stay in your third world starving country where they cut each others heads off. Sounds like you have it so much better than us. Us Americans and our crazy freedom's.
shareTypical ignorant idiotic ugly American. I bet you don't even have a passport and you are obese. I bet.