Things I Learned from this Movie
1. You can leave several "crazy" messages for the CEO of a multi-billion dollar oil drilling company and then will be allowed to see him that day without a security escort or his attorney being present.
2. When planting an electronic eavesdropping device in the office of the CEO of a multi-million dollar company, don't bother to hide it. Just plant it out in the open. You'll get what you need before it's discovered.
3. Oil companies are evil. Eeeeeviiiiiil.
4. CEOs of multi-billion dollar companies personally order assassinations ... twice (including initiating multiple contacts with the hit man using the CEO's own phone). And the won't use actual assassins - any roughneck off the oil rig will do.
5. It's possible, when ordered to kill someone, to immediately afterward beat them to their destination, have a rifle ready and be in position to use it, and attempt to kill them ... all while simultaneously setting their lab on fire.
6. Major university research facilities don't use networks to back up data.
7. A student in a small coterie of graduate students can disappear on a field trip and he will never be missed.
8. In Florida, natural disasters are INVESTIGATED by the National Guard.
9. Don't play tennis with blondes in black outfits.
10. Drilling activity in the Gulf of Mexico will cause seismic activity off the coast of Miami.
11. Emily knows everything that's going on.
12. Louisiana's Abita beer company is a major sponsor of Spring Break events in Miami.
13. It only takes 4 semis to carry 400,000 gallons of liquid nitrogen.
14. After flinging liquid nitrogen onto someone trying to kill you, don't run away or do anything to avoid getting shot by his last move.
15. The response by the Florida National Guard to a natural disaster threatening Miami will consist of 100 guys and a colonel (not even a medic - when the girl was shot, they sent for a first aid kit).
16. It's possible to respond to the threat of a volcanic eruption destroying a major US city without even once consulting a vulcanologist.
17. While al Qaeda operatives have figured out how to trigger IEDs from a safe distance, US Army electronic bomb triggers require an immediate proximity to the receiver in order to be effective.
18. It is possible to tell whether an explosive has had the desired effect immediately after the explosion - even before the dust settles.