Wait... did you just compare That Awkward Moment to the Sex and the City movie?
No on so many levels.
Where do I even begin? Well, for starters Sex and the City had a HUGE following and wonderful ratings and maaany seasons to gather up a big audience for the movie. And I'm not so sure that men "took a stand" by not seeing it... everyone I know agrees that SATC is OFF LIMITS to boyfriends/husbands! It's something you go see with your girlfriends, not guys! It's not some cheesy lovey dovey movie for couples. There are love stories within it but more than anything it is about strong women and their friendship.
Anyway, to refrain from making this rant any longer: These two movies aren't even comparable and I'm not sure why you compared it. That Awkward Moment target audience? No one knows. SATC movie audience? Its huge following of the television series. It is clearly a movie made for women. That Awkward Moment? I don't know who it was made for: The boys are overly sensitive, whiney, and annoying so boys can't relate. The boys may look pretty at times but they're also spending their time talking about hooking up and how they have a list of girls to bang and they'll never commit to a girl... so girls aren't interested in that. Comedy? Honestly don't know anyone who saw any comedy in that. Story? I don't know what the story was.
Point is: there is no comparison.