MovieChat Forums > That Awkward Moment (2014) Discussion > That Awkward Moment...when Zac Efron sti...

That Awkward Moment...when Zac Efron still can't let loose!

Look, I love the man too but he is still so "pretty boy" all the time.
You can tell every movement he makes and every acting decision is based upon...what will make me look good or cool.

He needs to let loose, especially in a comedy.


well he certainly let loose of his clothes!


I know EXACTLY what you mean, and totally agree.

When you grow up, your heart dies.



I know EXACTLY what you mean, and totally agree.

and I dont know why people are not talking about that!



When you grow up, your heart dies.




I dont understand why people are talking about his nudity?


I don't agree. And remember, most of those movements and acting decisions are set by the film director and the director of photographer. I really don't think he cares what he looks like, as long as it serves the role he's playing.


He has tried to do some more serious films but does still look like the 'pretty boy' in most of them. I really liked 'Charlie St Cloud' and thought it showed potential, as did his performance in 'The Paperboy' but in context to the story, was still the 'pretty boy'.
The problem will come when he tries to really break away from that moniker and do something too far off the other way and it will just look obvious that he is just trying to make a new name for himself.

"God, when I meet you, I'm gonna be pretty. If it's the last thing I do. I'll be a beautiful angel."
