miss leading title

Honestly the only problem I have with this movie is the title. I think it would have been better if they incorporated the title into the movie. But that didn't happen. So honestly, I feel that this movie would have done better if the title was not miss leading. I know that sounds kind of stupid but that's how I feel


You are correct to a degree. They always had problems with what to call this thing. The original, working title was "Are We Really Dating?" I don't know why they changed it, that first title said more about the actual movie than the title they used.


I thought that they actually tied that thread to the movie pretty well. Numerous times they referenced how you could tell when "that awkward moment" was going to come because the sentence usually started with "So..." and the movie started and ended with that. I went in hoping it would be good, but expected a train wreck and then was pleasantly surprised that is was as good as I hoped it would be. Rapid fire quick wit comedy sold it for me and the acting was actually pretty great for the type of movie it is. I thought it was pretty well done.


I agree with the user above me. I think the movie did a fine job explaining that 'that awkward moment' is the moment in relationships where the conversation starts with "So..." and you don't know if you're dating or where the relationship is going.

My film reviews site: www.FilmGateReviews.com



The writer of this movie said in an interview that the original title, which someone said earlier was "Are We Really Dating?" did not do well with men in focus groups. Therefore they tried to change it to make it more guy-friendly. The problem with this movie is that they tried to make a rom-com for men, and it failed miserably. Because the only types of guys who would go to see a movie like this are guys who are like the characters in the movie (I call them the "How I Met Your Mother" type guys, the ones who went to college and don't do drugs worse than pot). I grew up in Queens NY and no guy I know would want to see this. I made my best friend (a guy) sit through it and he kept saying how he was throwing up in his mouth. At the scene where Jason tries to bang that chick to prove to himself he's over Ellie, but then he stops before anything happens and said he's made a big mistake my friend was like about to throw sh!t at the screen lol. Guys I know don't do sh!t like that. But there is a sect of men, the ones I mentioned above, who would probably like this kind of movie.

By the hammer of Thor!
