Easily one of the worst rom-coms I have ever seen.
I can't even start to explain how and why this movie is a total pile of crap, but I'll try(spoilers ahead)
First of all the so called "3 best friends" are far from being best friends, they lie to each other, purposely betray each other just to cover up their actual love, so they don't look like total losers to each other.
Zac and Miles' role seem to work as some sort of art director for a book publisher. Totally believable job for 2 jerks who look like they just got out of college. Mike, who looks even younger plays a doctor who is already married and facing a divorce...seriously?
When Zacs character arrives at his love interests birthday party, which she announced as a "dress up party" he mistook it for being a costume party so he shows up with a theme costume of "Rock out with your cock out" displayed by a white sleeveless t-shirt saying a rock out and 15 inch dildo hanging out of his pants, a headband and a six-pack of beer in his hand. This way he meets Ellies parents for the first time, accidentally tips his dildo in her mothers cocktail(you can imagine the awful joke he made after) and a after a short amount of time her father actually tells him, that he likes him and is happy for his daughter. Just for him to die one freaking day later, which wasn't even explained how or introduced by some sort of disease that he suffered through or anything. He was perfectly fine, dies the next day just to get Zacs character in an "awkward" position. He refuses to attent the funeral, cause it could like he is really into her in front of his best friends...
And so on and so on...
Save your money, dont even rent it...it's a motherload of *beep* squeezed into a movie that should have never been made.