It came out when I was 18 in 98. my friend worked at a dry cleaners and found 100 mg Viagra in a pocket and gave it to me. I never had ED (with the exception of maybe 3 times when I was hammered) and I have been taking Viagra ever since. So has at least a dozen of my friends, who I have let try it. It's a performance enhancer for many. For me personally it makes me about an inch bigger, thicker, harder. I can go longer and repeatedly, basically non stop. If I really want to make an impression on a new girl Viagra helps out with that. Plus girls gossip about sex way more than guys. I bet at least half the woman I have slept with were sleeping with me at least partially out of curiosity of said gossip... As an aside let me state that 100mg was way too much. I take maybe 10 mg now and not all the time. There can be negative consequences of taking Viagra.