Woman and men are actually going to believe this shyt
I know there are woman out there, that there actually going to believe Zac Efon is going to be a weepy mess over you. Oh all the relationship drama. Men don't want to talk to you, that's why we have friends. The sooner woman realize that the better. And it's movies like this piece of dog shyt, that gives woman false hope. "I just want to find a chick who watches football, and eats chicken wings, and plays call of duty" I hear guys say that all the time, and their lying to themselves. But because you see it in some piece of shyt movie, your like, "oh that's what my girlfriend should be like". And stop with this "one" bull shyt. "He's not the one" "she's the one mannnn". What is this one? The one that will eventually take half your shyt, when she finds out you were screwing the neighbor lady.