The "Rock Out" costume...

There was a Motorhead song from the movie "Hesher" where Lemmy (lead vocalist of the group) from Motorhead sings "Rock Out with your cock out, impress your lady friends." Was that outfit Zach wore supposed to reference that? And I don't understand how anybody could have "got" that. I don't think anybody would have worn that outfit to even a Motorhead concert. Otherwise him wearing that penis was very, very stupid.


I thought "rock out with your cock out" was a fairly commonly known expression, so while watching those scenes I wasn't thinking that people would be confused. Also, Anthony Keidis of Red Hot Chili Peppers had a stage act pertaining to that phrase.


Not sure of the commonality of that phrase (hence the joke of him doing it in the movie) outside of guys like these in the movie and aging rockers. But the Motorhead song I referred to kicks a$$. Lemmy rules!


I'm not a Motörhead fan or a rock guy, but I've heard of the term "rock out with your cockk out" a bunch of times . I don't know where it originates from, but the term is well known by a lot of people..
